View Full Version : sighhhh

30-11-09, 04:49
hey guys

dealing with anxiety and all the symptoms that come along with it can be so tiring. im tired of all the ups and downs in a single day..im tired of being okay for a moment..then entering into a depressed/scared state the next..im tired of constantly thinking and worrying..wondering if i'll ever get better. im sick of feeling like im the only one going through this and that no one understands. im so tired of being scared that im going mentally insane and that my life will be over : ( sometimes...im just so tired of it all and want to give up but kjnow thati cant ..sighhhhhhhhh.

30-11-09, 05:09
yep for sure , I know this feeling well. I get so tired at night I just fall out pretty much.It just sucks the life right out of you.. Bloodsucker lol.,. No really I know how you feel and thought I would say .. you aren't alone. Michael :hugs:

30-11-09, 09:04
Yep-I know that feeling and you're not on your own :hugs:

30-11-09, 10:55
You most certainly are not on your own Lleah :hugs:

30-11-09, 17:16
couldnt agree more with what youv'e wrote there, it is mentally and physically exhausting. Waking up every day not knowing what kind of mood you'll be in and knowing your going to be in that same routine of worrying over how your going to be that day, aswell as trying to hide all of this from friends and family. With the guys posting above, you arent alone with this at all. Just know that there are some other people just like you, when i found that out on this site it made me feel that im not perhaps as ''crazy'' as i thought i was to myself.
On a side note ive just read your first welcome post, its pretty much my experience in a nutshell aswell mate to a t it sounds, i know it may not seem manageable just now but keep on in there, with the right help it will get better.