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30-11-09, 05:16
can anyone help me out with this feeling? im struggling with anxiety

i think i've been in this detached state for so long..that there is this immense fear of coming back into "reality" im not sure if that in itself is disassociation or not..but whenever i feel normal...and then feel myself stepping into "reality" it feels like theres this time change..and im in a completely new place and time, thus "reality" and it brings on such great panic and fear...its usually what causes me to go into a full blown anxiety attack. so im wondering~~ if this "reality" state is actually just disassociation and not actually "reality". not sure if that made anyyy sense at all...but does anyone know what im talking about??

30-11-09, 05:23
I think so.. I kind of feel the way you do sometimes.. especially in this place we moved to four years ago. I was newly retired and after four years time doesn't really mean much.This place hasn't changed much in say oh five million years and the people haven't changed much in 100 years.. Its rural and somewhat stuck in the 1800's .. and its barren the highest alpine desert in the world.. so yep I think I can say .. Actually what if our dreams are reality and life is just a dream..? Yeah I know confusing but you will figure out ..take care.. Michael

30-11-09, 19:49
hi ya i think i know what your talking about , i have just had a major anxiety attack,it lasted for about one and a half hours ,had a heart rate of 160 - 180 bpm,after it subsided,it felt like i had been somewhere else when it was happening ,when i was "back" it felt really unerveing,so i think it is all reality but some we are more conciouse of than others take care