View Full Version : This will never go away :(

30-11-09, 09:06
The spaced out feeling will never leave me...:( some how I have realized that this is my new normal...No one knows what it is is...so it must be anxiety...which is what preceded this disorder...and now follows it...I want my life back...and I dont know what to do anymore...2.5 months of this....I am about ready to give up sometimes

30-11-09, 11:12
Sorry that you are feeling so bad - I can really relate to how you are feeling. The wonderful thing about this site is that you can always come here when you are at your worst, people will understand what you are going through, and be supportive without (hopefully) being judgmental.

If you haven't done so already, it might be a good idea to go and see your doctor.

I hope you feel better soon.

30-11-09, 12:20
im sorry for yr suffering i do hope things will get better for you, i feel spacey form time to time but never such a long period, maybe you should go and see yr doctor and try and get to the bottem of it all

please teake cear and know we are here to supoort you

all the best
huggels hopers

30-11-09, 16:02
I understand how your feeling too, it is a weird woosy feeling, similar to the spacy detached light-headedness when drunk - but not as pleasant!! :D I would agree that it would be a good idea to see a doctor, as some of them can be very understanding about these things, their are also local support groups who can also help. Take care.

30-11-09, 17:49
Nervey paul has hit it on the head there, i know it may seem like the worst thing in the world to do and perhaps you think that they wont take you seriously but going to the doctors is what i seen as first step to grabbing my anxiety by the *ahem*, the relief i had just to be told from the docs that it was anxiety and not all these other scenarios in my head really helped validate what was going on. Places like this too where you can discuss how your feeling is priceless also. All the best,G.

30-11-09, 20:53
I have seen the doctor several times done blood tests etc. Everything cane back normal. It's at it's worst when I think about it. The doc sayer it's probably anxiety but I don't think he thinks it's a big deal. It's not as bad as I made it sound. I just had a bad nght lol

Veronica H
01-12-09, 00:19
Hi Hockeyplayer

'It's at it's worst when I think about it '.......the more you accept it as an intrusive thought which is making you anxious rather than something serious, then the quicker it will subside.....easier said than done I know :bighug1:. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.


01-12-09, 00:55
Thank you so much Veronica! I know it will get better. It already has a lot from when it started. I will find this book!

01-12-09, 04:12
Thank you so much Veronica! I know it will get better. It already has a lot from when it started. I will find this book!

This book has given me what I could not get from doctors and therapists and really started to turn things around for me. In the states, it's titled "hope and help for your nerves". I got it at Amazon for $7.99.

01-12-09, 08:04
Veronica is right, this book can give you your life back. It sounds as though you've been so anxious for so long that you need some relaxation in order to feel like you again. If you practise what you read in this book, highlight any paragraphs that instantly bring you comfort and hope, and read it over and over and over again, recovery will come.
Myra x

01-12-09, 09:30
Sorry your feeling rough, its a horrible symptom of anxiety