View Full Version : Katrina Video New Orleans I took October 15th 2005

30-11-09, 09:07
It has taken me four years to upload and even look at this video. I am a survivor of the west bank of New Orleans.We weren't there during the storm but went through the stress of putting our lives back together and repairing and selling our home in our beloved city. We miss New Orleans and its way of life .We miss "OUR New Orleans" We left and moved away for good after living there many years .We miss its way of life,its soul and its fantastic culture.. God Bless New Orleans and the people that stayed and went back for good..

In Memory Of Those That Died In Katrina
In September 2005 New Orleans La.
Also Those Still Suffering with the
after shock of relocation and Post
Traumatic Shock Syndrome


Thanks for letting me post this.Its part of a therapy for me. Michael

30-11-09, 10:59
I feel a bit of a fraud for posting on this - I can only try and imagine what it must be like to lose so much, so quickly. To lose people, your home, even your whole way of life - one of the most frightening things that anyone can experience.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Plato.

30-11-09, 21:37
Thank you for your kind words..As everything was happening I didn't really realize it but after we left and moved here.. it all hit me in a big way.. Till this day I have never watched any of the specials about Katrina and every time there is a an article about it I won't read it.. I have just now been able to watch this and share it with others.. I thank you for your comments and appreciate it.. Michael

30-11-09, 23:10
That was very brave of you Michael ,well done !.Sometimes we dont feel the full impact at the time when bad things happen ,but at a later date ..By watching this ,you have taken a big step towards your recovery .It was a devastating event and has left so much destruction in every sense of the word .I have watched programmes about it ,they were heartbreaking . I wish you a happy future .You deserve it Sue x

30-11-09, 23:26
Thanks Suzy, When all of it was happening .I watched it on the news from Nashville where we took cover for a few days until we went to Houston and stayed with our son. I was horrified at what I saw.. I couldn't watch anymore and when we were traveling although people were kind they asked so much about it because they were curious. I stopped telling people that were even from New Orleans. .but then when checking into a motel.. they would want to see an ID and they had been instructed and we didn't know this to give shelter to anyone from certain area codes.. We really didn't need the help but they insisted.. Most we did pay our way ... and hotel bills..Now there was one place in Texas that many of the people that were out of the city were gathered they gave us a great rate on the hotel for a few weeks until we could get things together and decide where we all were going.It was very nice.. and we found people from the same city there all in the same boat. .(pardon the pun) as us. It was nice.

Thank you for your kind words and it was just a little weird to pull that video out and watch it. I have more but just put together a little to share.. But its been four years and I have to face what happen in other ways sooner or later.. I guess sooner is better..

I have come to grips with this being our home now. but its still is weird many times. so different from anything my wife and I are used to on a full time basis ,Traveling yes but not to live.. But we have made it so far and feeling pretty proud at times of things we have accomplished. Bill keeps telling me its got to be hard living here. But I cannot tell him the hardship isnt living here its being somewhere in between and not knowing where home is or where you will be putting your head at night or where you will be cooking your food..

We stayed in an apartment for awhile until we built our home.. and when we finally got in our home for the first time ..It was such a joy to have your own kitchen and make great meals and feel at home.. Sorry im starting to ramble here but thanks so much for your kind remarks. Michael

30-11-09, 23:31
I had to come back and post this because as I was writing to you , it struck me..what has happened to me..My wife and I used to travel all over the world and the USA on a whelm at times sometimes on business. Since we have been in this valley .. We have only left once to go to another city about 200 miles away and never again. For the life of me.I haven't been able to figure out why I wouldn't travel anymore.. That I had just had the travel taken out of me. and was tired.. I just now realized why..

I think that I haven't wanted to travel since we came here , you know ,, like go back to Louisiana or down to see our son in Houston or the other son In Tucson.. because im afraid Ill go and come back and our house will be gone or damaged in someway.. I think that is it. I really do.. Because last time we left our home.. for a period of time was Katrina and we couldn't even get back in for a month ..IT just dawned on me why im afraid to travel.. thats weird.. Wow.. Its because im afraid Ill come back to what I did with Katrina .. Hmmm food for thought.. thanks for jarring that out of me.. it make sense.. Michael

01-12-09, 00:45

It took a lot of courage for you to post this. I am so very sorry you had to experience this nightmare. I will never forget when that occurred. Same with 9/11. It completely makes sense why you do not want to travel anymore. I have a very dear friend who is a Katrina Survivor. She moved to PA after the hurricane. She actually cannot seem to settle in any one place since she went through it. She moved to PA then to NC and now AZ. She says she feels safer if she does not settle in one place because of fear of going through a bad event like that again. It is like she is constantly running from her surroundings. It is amazing how people are affected so much by things like this and how everyone responds differently. I feel for all the victims of Katrina and hope one day New Orleans will be the same. It takes so much courage for these people to try and get on with their lives. Thanks so much for sharing such a moving video.

01-12-09, 01:48
Its been a struggle for us to stay in one place everyday for a long time.. We can't seem to get comfortable but now that we have put so much time and effort in .. it seems we are kind of destined to live here.. I don't know and by the way I lost two friends in 9/11 .They worked there.. in the buildings.. I used to visit new york all the time but no more.Thanks for your kind words.. Michael

01-12-09, 19:06
I honestly think you are right about the reason you fear going away. .As often is the case ,the answers are buried inside ourselves .Talking is the way forward ....Maybe when the weather is warmer you could perhaps think about a short trip ,? just two or three days .Im not saying this will be easy but It would be a Big step to beat this fear .You say you travelled many time s all over the place and obviously returned to your home afterwards ,everything as it was before you left ?.This disaster has left understandably a very disturbed thought process in your mind .The only way to overcome it and not let it take anything else away from you ,is to face it and start very slowly to leave your home .Once you see it will be ok ,it will get easier each time ..Its usual to feel safe in our homes ,but in your case its more that you feel by being there ,you will be able to protect your home ..This is not necessarily true ,you wouldnt have been able to prevent anything happening and you were fortunate in the sense you could have died if you had been there in New Orleans at the time Katrina hit . It take a long time to recover from the aftermath of such huge catastrophes ..You seem to have made a couple of big steps in the last two days and Im confident that you will not let it take any more from you than it already has .Small steps bring great things .Im sorry you also lost friends in New york ,:hugs:My son went there after and read some of the memorials ,it was "unbelievably moving " His words ..For me there are no words fit enough for what happened and the pain it caused .Keep talking Michael ,its the greatest therapy .Luv Sue :hugs:

01-12-09, 22:06
Thank you Sue.Ill work on it.. Michael