View Full Version : Worried about chest x-ray and blood test results

30-11-09, 10:12
I had a chest infection over a month ago and have been left with pain in my ribs on my right-hand side. The Dr sent me for a chest x-ray last Weds and had blood tests done on Thursday am. I am panicking so much about the results. I came back from school run to find that someone had tried to call just after 9am but the number was withheld - I am now wondering if it was the Dr's surgery trying to contact me. Just trying to stay calm but not managing at the moment!

30-11-09, 10:49
Your anxiety is understandable. I had a bad chest infection years ago and was left with a painful pleuritic rub - the outside linings of the ribs had stuck together a bit with the infection. It did clear up over a couple of months. Why don't you give your doc's a ring? The receptionist can tell you if your results are back. :hugs: