View Full Version : hi im julia

30-11-09, 12:51
hi have wanted to join for ages but couldnt bring myself to write down how i feel,have what my dr calls reactive anxiety ,started 10 years ago,4 children 2 have long term illness and money worries started it ,i have had long gaps of being okish at my worst the anxiety was constant scared but didnt know what of, everything felt wrong butterflies in tum feeling sick shaky,didnt need meds but became terrified of becoming depressed and hurting myself if i felt low my anxiety would kick in and depression became a phobia.my problem is that anxiety has now reared its ugly head again and its all coming rushing back,and i dont want it,but i cant stop thinking about it and i now even feel myself panicking about thinking!!!im so on edge,whats worse is that i have just starteda new job and dont want to feel this way,i was out of work following an accident for nearly a year which financially has crippled me,that and my boys illness was the factor which restarted it,i should be feeling good things are on the up now why has the anxiety got me now:huh:

30-11-09, 12:53
Hi julia

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-11-09, 12:53
A huge warm :welcome: to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

30-11-09, 14:04
thank you i hope so,just got in from work anxiety high trying to get on with housework but mind just keeps telling me im anxious feel like i want to cry but wont let myself scared of feeling low,my mum just rang but didnt even want to talk to her:unsure: i really want to get over this without meds is it possible I HATE ANXIETY

30-11-09, 14:33
Of course its possible.. meds just help :) You'll get lots of support and advice along the way :D well gone for joining, and best of luck to you're anxiety free life xx:hugs: