View Full Version : new symptom to add to my ms fear :(

30-11-09, 13:11
blurred vision. For the past week i feel like i need to blink a few times to get a clear view. its like theres something in it but in both eyes & im now convinced its the start of something bad or i will have to go to the docs who will tell me its ms :(

30-11-09, 13:43
Your doctor certainly won't tell you you have ms on your symptoms alone, simply because the symptoms of ms are so varied and so common to other ailments.
I have spent a lot of time in hospital, was bed ridden for six months and in a wheel chair for the best part of a year but it was not until a brain scan showed a lesion on my brain that ms was even mentioned.
Blurred vision, tingling, numbness these are all also symtoms of other things, including stress.

30-11-09, 21:05
tash, believe me if your eye sight was ms related you would not have blurred vision until you blinked you would be in severe pain every time you moved your eye left or right, my optician told me this when i went expecting him to tell me my optic nerve was swollen, he said optic neuritus is so painful you know you have got it. You have had a cold and it will just be mucus in your tear ducts i get this all the time and if you wipe the corner of your eyes after you have blinked the blurryness away you will see it. Honestly this is nothing to worry about, also if it were an ms symptom you would have blurred vision all day everyday not just until you blink

take care xx

01-12-09, 10:37
thanks rebecca, its really bad today :(

01-12-09, 10:45
My father in law has recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons and I think I found it more upsetting than my husband as Parkinson or Ms has always been one of my health anxietys too..I went on Google to see if it was hereditary (because of my children) and im pleased to say they think it isnt but just reading about it has made my HA really bad the last day or so and Im usually quite ok...last night I couldnt sleep as all I kept getting was the twitching in my legs even on my face I even thought I could feel myself trembling at one point.. I was awake all night practically...omg wish I hadnt read anything about it also said about stiffness in the morning and the last few months ive been having trouble with aches and pains, ofcourse im putting two and two together...anxiety truly sucks and so does Dr. Google..