View Full Version : Friends son is hanging to life by a thread

30-11-09, 13:30
I don't want to go into detail in case anyone on here knows them but we have been friends for 28 yrs and our sons are same age. Her son was wrongly diagnosed with swine flu ( he had pluerisy and pneumonia) and has been in hosptial in coma on ventilater for past week and things are as bad as they get without doing into details.

I just needed to talk to someone - I can't help my friend as only thing she wants is her son to get better. don't really know what I am asking for here but so upset and helpless for her.

30-11-09, 13:52

how upsetting for you, are there any signs that things could improve? Your poor friends as well.

Just by being there for her to talk to is enough, and I am sure she is so greatful to have your friendship.

big hugs, and thoughts and prayers to all


30-11-09, 13:54
Thanks emira its nice of you to take the trouble to reply. it really is touch and go they are supposed to be operating today its his only chance.

30-11-09, 13:56

I am so sorry for you i will pray hard for a good outcome

God Bless x

30-11-09, 13:57
What an awful situation. I do hope that he recovers.

All you can do is to be there for your friend. Gently encourage her to eat, drink and sleep as she can. Hold her and cry with her.

Is there anything you can do at her home to keep things ticking over for her there until she gets back?

Please remember to take care of yourself too :hugs:

30-11-09, 13:59
Dont know what to say other than my thoughts are with you and prayers with him xx

30-11-09, 14:06
I am so sorry... I hope there is a change for the better... lots of love and hugs


30-11-09, 14:11

What an awful situation.

Sending you lots of hugs and support.

Love Jo xx

30-11-09, 14:14
i'm praying for you all

sending u hugs

love Lisa x

30-11-09, 14:17

I am so sorry to hear this.
I hope and pray that he makes a full and speedy recovery.
Love Lisa

30-11-09, 14:19
I am so sorry............but just being there and letting your friend know you care will be a help.
Praying for a happy out come.

30-11-09, 14:30
Will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers,


sarah jayne
30-11-09, 14:32
I agree with everyone else, just by being there for her will be helping her. My thoughts are with you xxx

30-11-09, 14:36
How terrible ,:hugs:I do hope things turn out ok and he makes a full recovery .Sending you and your friend lots of Hugs and a big one for her son :bighug1: Luv Sue xx

30-11-09, 14:41
my prays are with your friends son and his mum

30-11-09, 15:06
How very sad. I hope that he can get some help. Where there's life there's hope. My heart goes out to you all.

30-11-09, 16:01
What a good friend you are - all you can do is be there for her during this worrying and stressful time. I hope her son makes a full recovery soon. Please keep us updated on his progress..

Hugs for you all :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

30-11-09, 16:16
I'm so sorry- I hope he makes a full recovery. Your friend is lucky she has you for her right now. Will be thinking of you all xx

30-11-09, 17:29
Thank you al soooooooooo much - I just needed to tell someone and you have all been wondeful:hugs:

My friend goes to church and she said she is praying as hard as she can - I would have said I was not religious at all but I am praying as well so please everyone who reads this thread say a little prayer in your religion whatever it is or just a heartfelt wish that a 29 yr old gets better.

30-11-09, 17:47
Praying hard for your friend's son. I believe in miracles because I have seen one happy with my own eyes.

I so hope we hear from you that there is an improvement soon x

30-11-09, 20:46
Hoping for a positive outcome x

30-11-09, 20:54
omg i am so sorry for you and your friend ,my thoughts and prayers are with you all ,take care martin

01-12-09, 17:08
sending huge hugs for u all and i really hope u all get some good news soon and he makes a full recovery, im so sorry. xxxx

01-12-09, 18:08
This is so awful, makes my problems seem very small. I really hope he gets better and thouhts are with you all. Not good anytime of year, but so close to christmas. Maybe let your friend know all our thouhts are with her and her son. x

01-12-09, 20:47
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time, praying that he makes a full recovery xxx God Bless

01-12-09, 22:28
Hi Countrygirl,

My thoughts and prayers are with your friend and her son. My sister has been very ill and nearly didn't make it and prayers can work. I pray for a quick recovery and also for you to have the strength for your friend when she needs you the most right now.

Best wishes,


02-12-09, 04:04
Hi Countrygirl,

This is so very sad. My thoughts are with your friend and her son as they are also with you my sweet. I hope it all works out and you sound like a fantastic friend for your friend.

Love and hugs
Tracy XXX

02-12-09, 09:18
I'm so sorry to hear this. I am praying for your friend and her son. Look after yourself too, so you can be strong for her.

05-12-09, 10:54
Just to let everyone who was kind enough to reply to my post that my friends son is now off the danger list:) He had a very high risk operation to clear out all the nasty stuff around his heart and lungs and they thought he would die after the op - His family spent 12 hrs at his bedside waiting for him to die as he went into multiple organ failure but by some miracle he then started to improve and two days ago he was brought out of his induced coma and although he is still on a ventilator with a tracheotomy he can communicate with his family by writing and is upright in bed. he obvously is not out of the woods as he has to avoid all the hospital acquired infections and will be in intensive care for the next 2 weeks at least and they still need to get him off a ventilator but the good news is that he is not now literally knocking on deaths door so carry on praying and wishing he continues to make a recovery even if it takes him months.

05-12-09, 10:56
great news

05-12-09, 11:58

Thats a great step in the right direction we will all continue to pray

God bless x

06-12-09, 10:22
So pleased to hear this good news. I will keep praying for his continued recovery.

06-12-09, 10:32
Wonderful news. I hope his recovery goes smoothly

15-12-09, 22:36
Update for all those people who were kind enough to reply - he is out of intensive care and off ventilator etc and hopes to be home for xmas.

15-12-09, 22:40
What a weight off all your minds. Thanks for letting us know.
Myra x:hugs:

15-12-09, 22:53
That's wonderful news!

miss diagnosis
16-12-09, 13:19
that is fanstastic news. big hugs xx

17-12-09, 09:55
I'm so pleased to hear this.