View Full Version : Serotonin Syndrome?

30-11-09, 13:33
Does anyone know anything about it? I've only just heard about it but it concerns me as I used to do recreational drugs that work off your serotonin.

Is it a short term thing like a form of poisoning or is it something that you can suffer in the long term post-ssri/drugs?

I never google symptoms and just reading about this makes me feel dizzy but I kinda found this by accident.

Cheers x

30-11-09, 14:06
I have been reading up on this quite a lot due to the fact I take 5HTP and to be honest I find that there is a lot of conflicting data out there on this syndrome but you really need to look into this yourself if you feel that the recreational drugs you take put you at risk, even if it is just to put your mind at rest. :hugs:

30-11-09, 16:05
thanks for replying erin..:)

See I've never been on medication for.... well anything really and I DONT take drugs anymore.. Maybe twice this year max. And I actually really hate them - instant anxiety.

I might pop into the doctors and talk to him about it as I suspect that on a couple of cases in the past I might have overdosed.. But that kinda brings me back to wether it is something that affects you whilst on drugs or can affect you years after..... very confused..

30-11-09, 16:17
This is when you have too much serotonin sloshing in your system. The very reason why you are strongly advised not take supplements liuke 5HTP or St. johns wort when on SSRis.

I believe that some recreational drugs also can up your levels. Having this syndrome can be quite dangerous. Unfortunetely you will need to google to find out the symptoms and effects

30-11-09, 19:17
I have worried about it because I am on Paxil and trazodone which both increase serotonin. I wont even take the full dose of the trazodone because I am too worried even though the doctor said its safe

30-11-09, 19:26
As far as I am aware it is a short term problem when you take too many drugs/medications that mess with your Serotonin. If your not on any drugs/medications at the moment it is highly likely you have nothing to worry about with regards to this.

30-11-09, 21:13
can somebody please tell me what this is i take citalopram and have never heard of this syndrome, is it dangerous? I was not convinced i needed to go on these medication, so if i didnt need to i could be overdosing right? and how do i know?

01-12-09, 01:35
As far as I am aware it is a short term problem when you take too many drugs/medications that mess with your Serotonin. If your not on any drugs/medications at the moment it is highly likely you have nothing to worry about with regards to this.

Great thanks for that - I didn't dare look up anything on google as everything I read mentioned misdiagnosis of anxiety and similar symptoms.

I actually had a PA on the way home tonight (and on the way out) just thinking about it..

I've never been on meds and I was never a heavy user of anything really so I think I can cross that off.. I just worry as my PA's feel identical to nights where I think I might have taken too much. But looking back it would be more likely that I used to have PA's whilst using and these ones just remind me of feeling like that..


01-12-09, 01:50
can somebody please tell me what this is i take citalopram and have never heard of this syndrome, is it dangerous? I was not convinced i needed to go on these medication, so if i didnt need to i could be overdosing right? and how do i know?

obviously i raised the question on this but i know a little.

from what I can gather SSRI's aren't likely to cause the syndrome on they're own... you'd have to take others in conjunction or be on amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy etc at the same time. And it seems like its an extremely rare syndrome regardless.

as for overdosing.... i dont really know much about citalopram (someone correct me if im wrong here) but if ur on citalopram for anxiety related stuff then i cant see how you could possibly over dose because 'you're not anxious enough'?

Cheers x

01-12-09, 10:07
From what I understand, you'd know you had seratonin syndrome - you'd be physically very unwell.

It CAN be fatal, or a medical emergency - but again, you'd know pretty damn quickly.

01-12-09, 10:14
Seratonin syndrome is a serious and potential fatal condition.

This statement isnt to scare anyone and I dont presume to be an expert in anyway, but it can be bad and needs immediate Medical treatment if it develops.

HOWEVER as far as I know it can only occur when you repeatedly take TOO MUCH seratonin, which antidepressants arent going to do as long as you stick to your doctor's recommendation. Please please please people with health anxiety dont jump up and down in fright thinking that you've got seratonin storm because you're on a high dose of antidepressant, that will only happen if you are repeatedly ODing on seratonin as far as I know.

Its common sense guys, every kind of drug causes problems if you overdose on it, and seratonin syndrome is jsut the problem that can be caused by repeatedly ODing on antidepressants.

I stress repeatedly because you arent gonig to get it if you accidentally overdose on just one occasion.

honestly guys, dont worry.
