View Full Version : Wobbly Walking

16-11-05, 15:08
I am new to this board. I don't suffer from depression but have a terrible insomnia problem and anxiety/panic attacks.
Over the last few months I have noticed that I unable to walk in a straight line - I feel wobbly.
I started mirtazipine last night which should help with the insomnia.
I just wondered if anyone else feels wobbly when walking - I think it is connected to the anxiety.

16-11-05, 15:22
Hello Rosalind

Welcome to the site.

It is usual as part of anxiety to feel a degree of dizziness. Here are some previous posts that talk about feelings which are a bit more extreme but along the same theme.

walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)
feel like world is moving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5827)
moving floor (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6056)

Left arm, left leg problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4295)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-11-05, 15:31
Hi Rosalind,

I have been known to walk along clinging to a wall to make sure i dont' topple over!


16-11-05, 15:42

I used to get this wobbly feeling a lot, but i guarantee you that if you concentrated on walking a straight line you could do it.
what helped me the most to get rid of this feeling and a lot others was to be active, i play soccer atleast 2-3 hours a day everyday, and for the first few days i was very wobbly and scared, but gradually it went away because i was thinking more about what i was doing other than what i was feeling.

hope that helps

16-11-05, 16:25
Hi there
Yes i too get wobbly and jelly legs when walking. I am better if i am holding on to someone or something. The more i worry about it the more i become wobbly so i guess its trying to distract and think about other things. I find that when i stand to walk i tense myself cause i am scared i am going to fall down so this then adds to the anxiety and causes me to feel wobbly. I am always looking for somewhere to sit when out. I try telling myself that i am well and healthy and my legs will get me to where i am going - they have never given up on me yet !!
Take care
Darkangel x

16-11-05, 17:20
Thank you all so much for your replies. You all describe it so accurately!
I shall try to stop worrying that I have a brain tumour!
Yesterday, I was walking from the car to a collect something from a friend. When I returned to the car my husband asked if I was OK as he said I was walking in a wobbly way. That really worried me as I hoped it wasn't noticable to other people.
You are right though, that if I get distracted it goes away!
What a drag all of this anxiety is.
So pleased to have found you all.

18-11-05, 16:21
Ive read up on this as my legs feel wobbly and feel constantly empty (if that sounds right). The wobbliness comes from adrenaline being secreted into the blood stream.

apparently diabetics get it when they have an insulin injection.

18-11-05, 16:22
I have had this as well in the past - definitely related to the dizziness that anxiety causes..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"