View Full Version : Back from Doctors - Update

30-11-09, 14:45
Hello all.

Some of you may know I've had a really bad time lately, worried about ALS / MND, Leukemia, Liver problems and so on.

Back from the Doctors just now, and gave him a list of all of my symptoms and all of the diseases I was worried about.

I told him about the dents in my arms where I was worried about the muscle, and he said it was just normal muscle indentations, and probably more visible because I've lost some weight and not been eating.

He said I had no signs of ALS / MND and there was no need to refer me to a Neurologist as that would be a waste of everyone's time. I asked him if he would refer me if he thought there was anything to worry about, and he said, "yes, of course I would", so that re-assured me a little.

I said about my pinprick spots which i'm still getting more of, and he said, both him and the dermatologist said they weren't anything to worry about, and the blood tests were all normal, so it is just something that people get.

He said the lines I am getting on my arms after leaning on things are normal things which people get.

He said I have no signs of concern for any of the things I was worried about, the only problem is my anxiety and me being underweight. He said I need counselling (which I took into my own hands already and have been referred for psychiatric help) and I'm seeing a Dietician in January and have been put on supplements to help maintain / improve my weight.

He said the veins and blotches under the skin I am getting are quite normal occurances and everything else could be explained to anxiety or me being underweight.

He said I should try and cut down on drinking (which I am anyway) but said my liver was fine and had no other signs of liver problems.

So, I guess, I should accept what he has said (especially as I asked him in so much detail this time, and asked him why he didn't think I had these things)

I'm going to still try and push for a Neurology referral at some stage, but several people have said I don't have ALS / MND by examining me and so on, so I guess I should take comfort in that.

I'm seeing a Rheumotologist on the 21st December, so that will rule out any immune problems and muscle / bone problems etc. And psychiatry starts in a couple of weeks, when my upped medication should start to kick in too.

Not sure if this is of any interest to anyone, but thought I would let people know what has been going on, and also so I can vent it out of my system too!

Any comments, thoughts etc would be great, always interesting and comforting to read them.

Thanks all.

30-11-09, 15:57
Hello all.

Some of you may know I've had a really bad time lately, worried about ALS / MND, Leukemia, Liver problems and so on.

Back from the Doctors just now, and gave him a list of all of my symptoms and all of the diseases I was worried about.

I told him about the dents in my arms where I was worried about the muscle, and he said it was just normal muscle indentations, and probably more visible because I've lost some weight and not been eating.

He said I had no signs of ALS / MND and there was no need to refer me to a Neurologist as that would be a waste of everyone's time. I asked him if he would refer me if he thought there was anything to worry about, and he said, "yes, of course I would", so that re-assured me a little.

I said about my pinprick spots which i'm still getting more of, and he said, both him and the dermatologist said they weren't anything to worry about, and the blood tests were all normal, so it is just something that people get.

He said the lines I am getting on my arms after leaning on things are normal things which people get.

He said I have no signs of concern for any of the things I was worried about, the only problem is my anxiety and me being underweight. He said I need counselling (which I took into my own hands already and have been referred for psychiatric help) and I'm seeing a Dietician in January and have been put on supplements to help maintain / improve my weight.

He said the veins and blotches under the skin I am getting are quite normal occurances and everything else could be explained to anxiety or me being underweight.

He said I should try and cut down on drinking (which I am anyway) but said my liver was fine and had no other signs of liver problems.

So, I guess, I should accept what he has said (especially as I asked him in so much detail this time, and asked him why he didn't think I had these things)

I'm going to still try and push for a Neurology referral at some stage, but several people have said I don't have ALS / MND by examining me and so on, so I guess I should take comfort in that.

I'm seeing a Rheumotologist on the 21st December, so that will rule out any immune problems and muscle / bone problems etc. And psychiatry starts in a couple of weeks, when my upped medication should start to kick in too.

Not sure if this is of any interest to anyone, but thought I would let people know what has been going on, and also so I can vent it out of my system too!

Any comments, thoughts etc would be great, always interesting and comforting to read them.

Thanks all.

I’ve been suffering with Health Anxiety since my father passed away due to MND and my Anxiety is specifically that I have got MND.
I’ll be getting the results of blood tests tonight from my GP which should hopefully reassure me so I kinda know where you are coming from.
If the GP has told you there is nothing wrong then believe them (easier said than done I know).
Try to stay positive and all the best, you’re not alone

30-11-09, 16:54
well done chris, and i agree with blackberry that you should try and trust your doc, which i also agree can be so hard to do when your convinced there is something seriously wrong.

I understand you want to be reassured by going to the neuro but by the sounds of your doc, this is going to be hard to get him to refer you. Will it really benefit you or will you just worry constantly and needlessly waiting for the appointment? As these appointments can take quite along time (for me 6 weeks)

Now go get some good meals down your throat lol and try to relax knowing you are fine and the symptoms are "just anxiety"

I'm glad to see your starting to accept it is anxiety :yesyes:

Cell block H fan
30-11-09, 17:34
Thats brilliant news.
But no miracle is going to come along, & a counsellor wont carry a cure for HA in his briefcase, you wont get better unless you make the effort, & the first step to that is...DONT GOOGLE anymore! lol x

30-11-09, 20:50
Hi guys
Thanks for the replies.
I guess I should learn to trust my Doctor. I'll see how I feel over the next week, he said to come back in 2 weeks to review the medication, so I'll try and forget about things until then, then maybe bring it up again if I'm still worried.

But if he wasn't concerned in the slightest, and said I didn't have any signs of ALS / MND I guess he knows (and other previous hospital doctors) what to look for.

Feel free to leave any more thoughts, replies as I am on here all the time.

Thanks again

30-11-09, 23:46
Hey Chris!

So glad every thing came back clear :) It actually sounds as though your becoming accepting of the fact that its likely that there is nothing wrong which is really great :)


03-12-09, 11:31
Hi guys
Thanks for the replies.
I guess I should learn to trust my Doctor. I'll see how I feel over the next week, he said to come back in 2 weeks to review the medication, so I'll try and forget about things until then, then maybe bring it up again if I'm still worried.

But if he wasn't concerned in the slightest, and said I didn't have any signs of ALS / MND I guess he knows (and other previous hospital doctors) what to look for.

Feel free to leave any more thoughts, replies as I am on here all the time.

Thanks again

I sense from your reply that you are still seeking some more reassurance which amongst the people on this site is perfectly normal as we are all/were suffering with Anxiety.
As someone has already said, sending you for countless tests could feed your anxiety as you will worry before and after the tests until the results come back. If Your GP is not overly concerned then you need to accept that and try and move on with your life, easier said than done I know.
If you are still worrying or have questions then post away on here and people will do their best to give you an honest reply.

Take care

03-12-09, 20:22
hi Chris

Recently I went through a rather awful patch, worrying about my head and mostly a tumour. When I first saw my GP he was honest and told me that I had nothing to worry about and was fine, eventually though I got a neurologist referral.
Following the consultation and an MRI scan I received the news that I was fine, at least from that perspective.

But, it taught me one thing (that I will try to keep at the top of my mind in the future) - that I should trust my GP and after all is said, he was right and his judgement correct.

I think your GP is probably the same and sounds understanding, sometimes we have to put our faith in them - which is extremely hard for us health anxiety folk (it was for me and I am sure it will be again in the future).

Take care,

03-12-09, 21:25
Hi, just wanted to touch base with you,,I am new on here and am really happy you have come to some conclusion,,,,ie not seriously ill,,and being anxiety,,,I think everyday I am going to die from a heart attack,,,sad I know,,,,but we always think what happened to them will happen to us !


Julia,,,aka jools

04-12-09, 14:33
Hey guys.

Feel pretty crappy today.

Still worried about these stretch marks on my arms. Showed them to the hospital A&E the other day who said they were not muscle related, and it was just through the skin where I had lost some weight, she said my muscles were strong, and I didn't have anything going on there.

My Doctor said the same thing when I showed him, though today I'm obssessing about the marks and think they look bigger, but still no weakness in my arms or legs.

Also when I was walking down the stairs just now I tripped over my foot, and still think I have ALS / MND though i've been told by about 4 people now that I don't.

My mind is switching between ALS / MND and Cirrhosis of the liver, which are the two diseases I'm worried about. Have talked about both of them to my GP who said I don't have either, blood tests were normal, not presenting with any signs of them, blah blah, and the hospital have been the same.

I really want to just believe them, and I was for a couple of days, but feeling really anxious again today.

Going to book a GP appointment for Monday and mention it again. Seeing a Rheumotologist in two weeks so will speak to them too, but just feel stuck in a loop.

Any thoughts / advice etc?