View Full Version : Blood tests - worried about my white count

30-11-09, 14:53
This is getting a bit out of control. I had a full blood count last week to rule out an auto-immune disease - my Chiropractor thinks there a small chance it may have caused a joint to narrow in my pelvis. Instead of worrying about the auto-immune disease I am obsessively worrying that I might have a low white blood count/immune deficiency (nothing to do with the auto immune disease). I've had a couple of severe gum infections in the past and mouth ulcers, also a couple of UTIs and those are all symptoms of a low blood count and now I'm freaking out. I get the test results on Wednesday. My anxiety is starting to get triggered. Im doing WAY too much web research. I don't really understand why I'm worrying about this instead of what they actually did the test for! Help! Has anyone had a low white count from a full blood count or anyone here worried about it?

30-11-09, 17:35
I also had a full blood count on Friday and get my results tomorrow - my Dr said if there was anything untoward they would contact me themselves and I know that if there is anything wildy wrong then the hospital ring the Gp same day who rings the patient. I also had my routine thyroid and also liver and kidney tests so lots to freak about and today I have come down with a cold/virus as well:weep:

01-12-09, 00:05
Hi Countrygirl. It's really good to hear from someone who is going through this at the same time as me. Ah, I didn't realise that the hospital calls the Doc if they find something really wrong. I had my FBC on Wednesday and the results should be in this Wednesday. I also had a liver test, lipids, HLA B27 (to test for the auto-immune disease) and another which I can't remember. I'm still concerned I may have a low white blood cell count as I do suffer unusual infections. I hope your results are all clear tomorrow and that your cold gets better soon :) Let me know how it goes.

02-12-09, 13:12
Ahrrhrhghgh, I'm still worrying about this. I had my tests last Wednesday morning and I haven't heard anything back yet. I'm hoping no news is good news. I haven't worked up the nerve to ring the surgery for my results yet :( Countrygirl - I hope your tests all came back ok.