View Full Version : Can't sleep because of these horrible feelings

30-11-09, 15:07
Just wondering if anyone else has these feelings. I've been really really worried about my health recently and all the worrying has disturbed my sleep. Anyway, the past few nights I keep waking up around 2.30, 3am and when I try and go back to sleep I can't because I have this horrible sinking feeling, it feels like i'm falling just as I drift off to sleep. These feelings are getting worse now in that I tried to take a nap earlier and I woke up and my hand was shaking so much, like it was some sort of fit. I also have this feeling today like my body is being pulled to one side. Its so frustrating as I just want a good night's sleep but I am scared to go to sleep because of these feelings and obviously now i'm worrying more because i'm starting to worry they are not related to anxiety.

K x

30-11-09, 15:17
Think we spoke the other day.

I have had this problem before, and getting it again now.

I woke up last night at 3am, then 5am, for no reason really, I was just panicky and worried. I've had a really bad time with my health anxiety lately, so I think it may be affecting my sleep. Haven't been eating properly either.

When I first started getting anxiety I often had the weird feeling just before I fell asleep too, would feel like I was dying, then would wake up suddenly in a panic and be scared to go back to sleep.

These feelings are normal reactions to stress. Our brains are trying to shut off and calm down at night, but our body and stress is keeping us active and jittery, so we will get these weird feelings.

You may be able to get some sleeping tablets for a few nights to help you get a regular sleeping pattern back, and hopefully once that comes back, you'll be able to sleep more comfortably.

Hope that helps a little.

Chris x

30-11-09, 17:20
Yes me too, I can sort of relate to that too, I randomly get this feeling of just as im falling off to sleep I wake myself up as I feel like ive stopped breathing its a weird sensation and I cant really explain it but its not nice its something simular to that falling sensation but with the breathing involved too...very weird and very horrible. I usually get it when im very stressed so its deffinately an anxiety thing as Ive been getting it on and off for years.

30-11-09, 17:36
Yes me too, I can sort of relate to that too, I randomly get this feeling of just as im falling off to sleep I wake myself up as I feel like ive stopped breathing its a weird sensation and I cant really explain it but its not nice its something simular to that falling sensation but with the breathing involved too...very weird and very horrible. I usually get it when im very stressed so its deffinately an anxiety thing as Ive been getting it on and off for years.

This sounds exactly like what i get too lol, thought i was on my own with this one.

01-12-09, 10:37
Actually I have found a post once before on this Gaz and some people had a simular thing too....so we are not alone..lol x