View Full Version : Worried about getting fired from your job...

30-11-09, 18:29
Okay - who here constantly worries about getting fired from their jobs:scared15:?? Every time anyone of my bosses has a private meeting I am SURE they are talking about me and how they are going to fire me! Now below all this anxiety, I know that if there had been any type of any issue with me they would have addressed it long ago. But my anxiety gets the best of me all the time!!! Anyone else worry about loosing their jobs???

30-11-09, 18:33
I don't as I work for myself, but my sister is completely paranoid that her bosses are talking about her or she is going to be out the door. Thing is, when she sits back and thinks about it, there are no concrete grounds for this. She gets very anxious about it. I can't really help you, but can let you know my sister is the same x

30-11-09, 18:37
Your esteem must be low and that's what making you think these thoughts. Anxiety has a rotten way of talking us out of reality!! I'm sure you've nothing to worry about with your job.

30-11-09, 19:22
You'd have to have 2 verbal then a written warning before they could sack you, so you would know if dismissal was on the cards. Do you have performance reviews? Those should let you know how you are doing.

I lost my job because I was very ill following an attack at work. I did try, but couldn't return after 12 months off sick. Your bosses have a legal duty of care for you at work. If there is anything in your working environment that is making you anxious or stressed, they have to address it. It's your responsibility to tell them so that you can work together to overcome the problem. It doesn't matter if no-one else is worried in the same situation - it is your own personal perception of the situation and how it affects you that matters.

30-11-09, 19:59
Well I have been in & out of employment, what I find is that I do ok for so many days then just feel that somethings going to go wrong which then frustrates me, then I find I am ringing in sick alot cause I feel pains and feel yucky, then lose my job.
Well thats how it's been for the last few years anyway.
But now having a GAD & Painc Disorder diagnosis hopefully when I do get to see the IAPT worker they may be able to offer some advice.

01-12-09, 22:17
It just stinks! Its the anxiety I know - my husband is a wondeful man...I talk to him about it and let him know what I am worried about, I also let him know that I realize it is anxiety. The problem with me is I was fired from my last two jobs...the first time was awaful after 18 years with a company they let me go because I sent out a check to a person (from their own account) with out the proper paperwork and the next job I had I did not get a managers initial on some paperwork before I opened an account. So it wasn't terrible things I wrong...so now I am constantly worried that I am doing something wrong...I triple check everything. I guess I have never forgiven myself for getting fired twice...i can be pretty hard on myself sometimes...