View Full Version : using the phone?

30-11-09, 18:36
Just while i was reading another thread it made me think of perhaps asking if anyone else had this with their anxiety...

One of my main 'things' with my anxiety was my inability to speak on the phone, even to my best mates. When it would ring i would tense up and get that rushed feeling inside of panic and could feel the blood drain from my body.
So i would ignore it, which then in turn would lead me to worry about what they were wanting and i bet you can see the cycle there!

yet another thing i realise now can seem totally irrational but at the time it felt really horrible.
anyone else have something like this?

30-11-09, 18:38
I am terriible for talking on the phone. Im not to bad with people I know, but if it rings for work ( we work for ourselves from home ). I cant answer, I let it go into answer machine. I don't know why, I think its incase I say something stupid, or maybe theres going to be a confrontation? I don't know.

30-11-09, 18:55
Yeah exactly, i cant put my finger on why either, i think its an amalgamation of so many things that i cant reason it. Your so right about work though, i always think trouble is ahead if they were to phone but then if you dont answer again you worry! cant win!lol:doh:

30-11-09, 20:11
This is one of my BIG phobias. I too cannot stand to use the phone, or to answer it. I can use it if necessary, but I pace the floor and sweat profusely while I do. I can remember using the phone quite happily when I was very young, so something happened since then to re-enforce a negative vibe around the phone - and there was me thinking I was the only one and was weird!!:wacko: It doesn't matter whether you know the person really well or if their a stranger, the fear is the same. It is a strange one I agree. Horrible feeling. :shudder:

30-11-09, 20:16
Im not too bad when it comes to answering or using the phone - it's those damn answer machines I hate - makes me feel very self conscious cos suddenly I seem to develop out of nowhere a stammer lol - I mutter and mumble my way through the message just feel daft like im talking to myself. I try my best to avoid these machines if I cant get the person on the other end - I hang up. easiest solution of all

Dee xx :hugs:

30-11-09, 20:17
bingo sir! im a total pacer too and i bumble like an idiot to strangers and friends on the phone im that nervous sometimes, again like you i used it happily when i was younger too, cant pinpoint anything i can think of that would have changed it, reason i posted this was because this is the most irrational 'thing' i have and thought it was just me! reassuring to know im not!:)
Thank goodness for texting! (although i sometimes find it hard to read texts from certain people,kind of awkward feeling but thats a WHOLE other thread!)lol

30-11-09, 20:21
i'm ok with people i know, but if it's new people i find it difficult cuz i'm pretty shy :blush: it was pretty bad at one point... struggled to even order a takeaway lol.

30-11-09, 20:28
me too mate, hadnt ordered one in years due to it,always go the mrs to do it! only just recently been able to do it again!!!

30-11-09, 22:13
You aren't alone with this. I experience it many times and for what reasons at the moment I
aren't entirely sure. I have other feelings that come and go . much like today I woke nervous but not exactly sure what about.. We are all here for you . Michael

01-12-09, 05:59
I'm the same when it comes to using the phone. I always become tense & paranoid that the person on the otherside will say something horrible, or have a go at me, even though I can rationalise it before and afterhand. But I always think to myself, why would I be calling this particularly person if I thought I was going to have an argument, because if I knew, and no ones life depended on it, I wouldn't bother.

01-12-09, 08:54
Im not too bad when it comes to answering or using the phone - it's those damn answer machines I hate - makes me feel very self conscious cos suddenly I seem to develop out of nowhere a stammer lol - I mutter and mumble my way through the message just feel daft like im talking to myself. I try my best to avoid these machines if I cant get the person on the other end - I hang up. easiest solution of all

Dee xx :hugs:

lol. that is so true, the answer machines, i use the umm, umm, umm i dont knows how many times lol.

27-03-10, 12:45
Does anyone who has suffered with this have any 'remedies' that have helped them overcome or at least be able to live with this phone phobia?

Apart from the thing of just setting yourself targets of ringing people or getting them to ring you. I have tried this and it doesn't seem to make much difference. Even talking on the phone with my sister or a friend I have known for years still leaves me agitated and sweaty and generally uncomfortable. :scared15: :unsure: