View Full Version : Scared and on my own tonight!!

30-11-09, 19:15
I have written a few posts recently about side effects I have had from taking the pill.

I have been on it for just over 2 weeks now and have had spotting, nausea and overwelming emotions. For the past 10 days, I have had a constant light (ish) period and cramps. I am so on edge too. My washing machine broke on Friday and I got so upset about it, that my lovely husband took the morning off work to sort it out!!

I keep googling about side effects from microgynon and weird bleeding does crop up reasonably frequently for the first few months. However, I also google about uterine cancer and keep getting really anxious!! My husband isn't home until really late tonight and I know I am going to be panicking!! I just spent an hour on google and got so wound up that I had to take some ibuprofen as my cramps were so bad!!

The doctor has put me on this pill to try to stop mid-cycle spotting and irregular periods which have been the bane of my life for the last 2 years since having my 3rd child. I have had a clear smear, blood tests and ultrasound previously. I feel so much worse now - I only had spotting mid-cycle before; now I am having a full blown period that is not showing any signs of stopping and I am scared about what is causing it and at a loss of what to do next!!

30-11-09, 19:27
For tonight, please stop googling. It really doesn't help. I'm sure if your doc had thought there was any chance of uterine cancer he would have sent you for tests already. Nothing is going to happen tonight just because your husband isn't there. Try to relax and have an early night.

Tomorrow, go back and see your doc. Explain to him what's happening. You may be on the wrong pill for you.

margaret jones
30-11-09, 19:47
Hi Joe Please stop Googling you will make things worse I am sure you know that but it is hard not to i know .

Try and do something positive about the problem Maybe go back to Dr You will feel much better .

Take Care Margaret :hugs:A hug for you

Cell block H fan
30-11-09, 19:49
I have written a few posts recently about side effects I have had from taking the pill.

I have been on it for just over 2 weeks now and have had spotting, nausea and overwelming emotions. For the past 10 days, I have had a constant light (ish) period and cramps. I am so on edge too. My washing machine broke on Friday and I got so upset about it, that my lovely husband took the morning off work to sort it out!!

I keep googling about side effects from microgynon and weird bleeding does crop up reasonably frequently for the first few months. However, I also google about uterine cancer and keep getting really anxious!! My husband isn't home until really late tonight and I know I am going to be panicking!! I just spent an hour on google and got so wound up that I had to take some ibuprofen as my cramps were so bad!!

The doctor has put me on this pill to try to stop mid-cycle spotting and irregular periods which have been the bane of my life for the last 2 years since having my 3rd child. I have had a clear smear, blood tests and ultrasound previously. I feel so much worse now - I only had spotting mid-cycle before; now I am having a full blown period that is not showing any signs of stopping and I am scared about what is causing it and at a loss of what to do next!!

The pill can be a right pain when you first go on it cant it. I was on those ones you're on, as a teen, & got on alright with them, but in my 20's after having children they put me on the mini pill & I bled non stop for 6 months. I had to stop taking it. I didn't need contraception if I was going to bleed 24/7! I ended up having the injection, then I had a coil fitted again because of side affects from the jab. The implants gave me terrible depression, after 10 months I had that taken out. I just think I cant take things like that. I will now go for a bloke thats had the snip! lol
Maybe things will settle down after so long for you?
Googling gets you in terrible knots though! I used to spend ages looking at different sites about a particular symptom, almost like I wasn't satisfied what they were saying! winding myself up so much, any physical pain I had at the time ended up agony!
I would go have another chat with my doctor if I was you?

30-11-09, 20:41
Thanks guys

I know really that the spotting for the last 2 years has been caused by a hormonal imbalance (after clear smear and ultrasound) and that this prolonged bleeding is the result of my body trying to get to grips with yet more hormones!! I was on this pill 20 years ago and I vaguely remember having a similar episode one month. I was also on Marvelon but I don't think they prescribe that foe someone of 37.

I just have to wait it out I guess and hope that it all rights itself and if it doesn't, try to swap to another pill or maybe the merina coil.

It is just so hard not to think the worst!! I know we are all in the same boat with that one!! Googling just makes things so much worse! I had 10 cbt sessions over the Summer - so much for that eh?

Thanks again. You have all been a great help. I feel a lot calmer now. Kids are in bed and dinner nearly ready!

Cell block H fan
30-11-09, 21:39
Thanks guys

I know really that the spotting for the last 2 years has been caused by a hormonal imbalance (after clear smear and ultrasound) and that this prolonged bleeding is the result of my body trying to get to grips with yet more hormones!! I was on this pill 20 years ago and I vaguely remember having a similar episode one month. I was also on Marvelon but I don't think they prescribe that foe someone of 37.

I just have to wait it out I guess and hope that it all rights itself and if it doesn't, try to swap to another pill or maybe the merina coil.

It is just so hard not to think the worst!! I know we are all in the same boat with that one!! Googling just makes things so much worse! I had 10 cbt sessions over the Summer - so much for that eh?

Thanks again. You have all been a great help. I feel a lot calmer now. Kids are in bed and dinner nearly ready!

My sis had that coil & didn't have any periods at all for 5 years, then had another one put in & ended up with spotting so her husband had the snip in the end. Now she is having lots of heavy periods etc. She's had a womb biopsy & blood tests done, gets the results in a couple of weeks.
We were saying we've had enough of womens problems! Wouldn't mind them taking it all away, pleeeeease! Ive done my bit for reproduction now lol
Have a good evening, Celebrity get me out of here is good tonight

margaret jones
30-11-09, 21:49
Jo Jo

I am so pleased that you are a lot calmer see a trouble shared is a trouble halfed xxxx

30-11-09, 23:54
So glad you are feeling calmer. Don't forget there are usually people on here in Chat until the small hours.

01-12-09, 10:53
Thank you for all your replies last night.

I feel a lot better today even though things haven't really changed. I am still having a light period 12 days in but I have read so much on the internet about this happening during the first month (I just did this on google and NOT symptoms of horrible cancers!!). I have also made a doctor's appointment for next week when I am on my break after the first packet to discuss things. Hopefully, things will have resolved themselves by then but if not, I will ask to change pills.

Thanks again x

02-12-09, 15:24
I went to the doctors this morning as I am still bleeding and it is showing no signs of stopping. My doctor has changed my pill from Microgynon to Yasmin. She said sometimes people have to try several to find the right one. I looked at the side effects of Yasmin on google and they seem much the same as Microgynon. Feel like I just want to give up with all this!!

She did suggest the merina coil as another option. I have had several friends try that; some get on with it and some don't.

Just feeling pretty rubbish really about the whole thing!!