View Full Version : Horrible thoughts about death

30-11-09, 20:51
Today i have been thinking about death a lot, its horrible and i can't get the thought out of my head. I keep thinking that im going to die or my mum is going to die, its horrible.

Im really sorry for all my posts recently, i know ive posted a lot :weep:

30-11-09, 21:40
hey thats what we are here for , i think i am going to die about fifty times a day with my heart attack anxiety,those pescy thoghts really do get to you ,dont know if you could find something to take your mind off it even for a while ,it works for me sometimes take care

30-11-09, 21:48
Its anxiety in a big way.. I get like that alot .. I really hate feeling that way too and hope you feel better ..Michael

30-11-09, 23:04
i am the same at the moment, my anxiety has gone through the roof and i constantly thinking i am seriously ill and going to die, all i can say is try to keep busy, so u r not letting yourself spend too much time thinking. huge hugs xx

sarah jayne
01-12-09, 08:39
Im constantly worried about dying. Theres not a day goes by when i dont worry about it. I suppose it doesnt help that im always ill. If anyones ever got over this fear then please tell us how you managed it.
Sarah x

01-12-09, 09:23
I totally understand your fear, I feel the same a lot of the time. All I can say is were all in a similar boat, and luckily we have this site.

01-12-09, 17:26
First of dont apologise! were all here to support each other, the more posts the better! :O)
I totally hear you on this one, i think about it sometimes regarding my parents only really, mainly my mum.
Way ive tried to shrug this feeling off is to picture my mum battling it. Lets be honest guy's, the two women were afraid of? Partners and your mothers!LOL, so if i ever get a thought like that i picture my mum fighting it, for example the other day my mum was travelling back home from my flat, 2 hour journey and all i could think was her crashing, then i calm down and picture her going '' not a chance'' and battling any scenario out of my head
Again one of my wierd ways of coping with these kind of thoughts!
Whenever you feel like that and you can, just post a thread and someone will be there to say its ok, sometimes thats all we need, well for me anyway:hugs: