View Full Version : Hello Everyone

30-11-09, 21:18
Hi everyone

My name is Adam and I've been a sufferer of panic attacks general anxiety since the age of about 8 or 9. I have good spells and bad spells, good years and bad years, and this year was almost a very good year up until a few weeks ago when I suffered a panic attack in the middle of the night. Ever since that night I've struggled and the last day or so has been particularly bad.

Right now I'm suffering from a generalised anxiety which became quite bad yesterday and even worse today. I keep getting feelings like a rush of panic has come over me. It almost feels like someone has injected panic into me and I can feel it rushing through my body like a cold fear. I guess it's rushes of adrenaline? I also suffer with shaking/trembling, and sweating but feeling cold and shivering, and a racing heartbeat. I keep feeling like I can't cope and that I can't go on like this as I feel like nobody can stop this from happening. It's a terrifying feeling that feels like it will never pass and I will eventually crack up! I'm scared I'll end up mentally ill if this carries on. I get quite depressed and I feel down about pretty much everything at the moment, even little things. It's difficult to stay positive.

The main difficulty right now is lack of sleep, because I keep waking in the night with the above descibed panic attacks therefore I'm afraid to go to sleep. I also feel very alone when this happens in the night. Obviously I realise that poor sleep makes everything feel even worse but it's difficult to get a good nights sleep without a panic attack.

The other big problem I have is with my stomach. I suffer from terrible indigestion and gastic problems which cause feelings of nausea. My stomach is always gurgling and I feel the need to burp alot although I'm unable to do so. I'm not eating very well at the moment due to this, I'm only eating little bits and pieces. My stomach is also very tense and it feels like my stomach muscles are really aching from the constant tension.

I'm sorry to offload all of this on you all but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading


30-11-09, 21:23
Hi Adam1981

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-11-09, 21:31
Hello Adam, nice to hear from you. You'll get lots of support from people here. You have many of the typical anxiety symptoms and they're unpleasant but you can recover with the right treatment and help. They say the the stomach is the most sensitive part of the body when anxious and that's probably why you're having so many problems. You hear people saying they are sick to the stomach or can't stomach something!! Are you seeing your doctor? You can get meds to help you through this and don't need to struggle alone.

30-11-09, 22:26
Hi Adam,

Welcome to the forum. Alot of what you talk about is very common so you're in good company.

I also had alot of problems with indigestion and heartburn. The pain of that was as bad as the anxiety symptoms!



30-11-09, 22:34
Hi Adam,

Nice to hear from you.

Ive just started coming to terms with my anxiety and getting used to it and the symptoms it can cause.

A friend recommended this web site to me and since Ive been coming on I really have felt better. You get lots of help and support from a lot of nice people on here.

Whenever I feel anxious I just come on here and either post something about how Im feeling or just have a read of posts that relate to how Im feeling and it helps to know Im not the only one out there feeling like I do.

Hope you find it helpful

Take care

02-12-09, 20:20
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I've been able to manage my panic attacks quite well in recent years but recently, as I mentioned above, I've been suffering a more generalised and ongoing bout of anxiety which is like a panic attack that never stops. I'm always on edge and failing to see a way out so I'm using diazepam as prescribed by my doctor to try and keep me calmer.

I've had a better afternoon as I've had a session with a Human Givens psychotherapist today who did some relaxtion therapy with me using guided imagery. It seemed to go quite well and has made me feel a little more hopeful about getting myself together.

I'm still not eating much due to nausea and bad indigestion but I'm trying to eat little bits. Sleep is also a work in progress which diazepam should help me with.

I'll keep reading the different posts on this forum as it helps me feel better to see I'm not alone in this. Thanks to those who replied to this thread, it was much appreciated.


02-12-09, 22:39
hello adam. welcome to the forum. ive only been on here for about a day, but the info they have here is excillent. so is the support