View Full Version : Anyone help?

anx mum
30-11-09, 21:31
:weep: Havin a really tough time crying as i write this most of u know been getin headaches since aug been really bad for a week now headache moves around affects my eyes and got a stiff neck went 2 my docs and just burst out crying really getting me down she said sh thinks its a problem with my neck. Going 2 see nero wed so scared. Anyone there 2 talk 2

30-11-09, 21:33
Hi So sorry you are feeling low :(

at least you might finally get an answer to your headaches x

30-11-09, 21:36
hi hun sorry youir feeling so low ,i am back on because i feel like crap again ,my neck causes me no end of probs with pain in my arms and back course me being me thinks its my heart so i get really down about it and i have a cry to dont fret love im sure it will be ok x

anx mum
30-11-09, 21:36
How have u been doing? So sick of feeling like this.

anx mum
30-11-09, 21:37
Hope so just keep thinking its summat bad and think about my kids. Feel so scared and alone

30-11-09, 21:51
hey you are not alone ,its the anxiety getting the better of you ,i think like that to ,when i work away from home i think something will happen and i will never see my family again, i know how low you can feel because i do ,try to take your mind off some how, i did at work the other day ,while i was feeling really anxiouse,then i stepped down a hole full of freezing water up to my waste , i can tell you it cured my anxiety for quite some time that day lol

anx mum
30-11-09, 21:54
lol have 2 try that one. Its awful isnt it

30-11-09, 21:58
a bit of a shock to the system i can tell you and i managed to have a laugh at myself to boot ,it just went to show that when you really get into something else the anxiety seems to fade away, hope you get sorted out really soon x

anx mum
30-11-09, 22:00
thanku im Bev by the way hope u too get sorted x

30-11-09, 22:06
hi bev hope you had a good laugh at me to ,im martin by the way ,i think in some way having a good cry now and then releases a bit of tension you just take care you can pm me any time if you need to chat x

anx mum
30-11-09, 22:07
thanku x

sarah jayne
01-12-09, 08:42
How are you feeling today ? Is your head any better ?
Sarah x

01-12-09, 09:21
How u feeling now? I always have problems with my neck. I know youve probably tried it, but a good old fashioned water bottle helps mine :-)

01-12-09, 22:11
Hi ya
You sound exactly like me. My headaches started end of July, quite a lot of panic attacks came with them in the beginning because of course I thought the worst. Mine start in my neck mostly but can just be achy on the back of the left side of my head, all over headache, dull to sharp headache, over the eyes, left temple, it varies. I do know that it is coming from a muscle running from my back up my neck and back of head through to forehead. I went for a massage two weeks ago and thankfully got over a whole week without one. I went again today and while it is fairly bad tonite, I know that by tomorrow I will hopefully have relief again for a while. My massage therapist explained it as a compressed muscle from tension which then compresses proper blood flow etc. So maybe look around for a good massage therapist.