View Full Version : Headache and sex

30-11-09, 22:02
Hi All

I am a guy and i have a problem that just before the point of ejaculation my head starts to pound and throb! this goes after about half and hour after but is causing me so much anxiety and fear! can anyone help me out there?

I have a bad neck and my sinus are not great so i was wondering if it could be down to that? and i am also worrying it could be a tumor or blockage that cause it.

Please help.


30-11-09, 23:46
Hmm I think you posted about this on here before.. It could be sinus.. but not everytime . Could be tension.. I would check with your doctor on this.. I think everyone suggested that before did you go to the doctor?

It would be better to let them check you out for this.. I suppose it could be anxiety but I just don't know. .Hope you feel better. Check with your doc.. ok? Michael

01-12-09, 10:24
You could be having what is called a 'Benign Coital Headache' which happens usually before ejaculation and can last afterwards, I think its caused by dilation and contraction of blood vessels in the head and neck during sex, its absoloutely harmless and mgiht jsut be stress associated, but you should talk to the quack about it just to put your mind at ease, and to have a proper proffesional point of view on it.

you can also get 'Post Coital Tristesse' which is more common in men than women and comes in the form of feelings of melancholy, intense anxiety and guilt sometimes after sex, so that can possibiliy contribute to post sex anxiety.

I think you'll be fine matey, but see the doctor so a proffesional can put your mind at ease :)

hope this helps,


01-12-09, 10:57
Thank you so much.

01-12-09, 12:17
Isn't having a headache a cure for sex?