View Full Version : Can You Have High Blood Pressure With A Low Pulse?

30-11-09, 23:15
I was just wondering .. My pulse is about 65 to 72 or 74 most days and at night its about 65 sometimes right at 62.. I was just curious. If you have high blood pressure doesn't it require your heart to pump faster to maintain the pressure?

Does one have anything to do with the other? One time when they took my bp at the doctors it was higher than normal and my pulse was faster. .I was nervous ,so wouldn't it stand to reason that if it was higher at home my pulse would beat faster as well? Anyone know this?

01-12-09, 03:52
Yup, when I was admitted to the hospital for my blood pressure my BP was in the 200's/115 and my pulse was 45. The beta blockers lowered my pulse but not my blood pressure at all.

01-12-09, 04:33
thanks I appreciate the info.. Michael