View Full Version : Symptoms worse when quit smoking

Sammy J
30-11-09, 23:47
It occured to me tonight that all of my major attacks have been at times when I'm trying to quit smoking. I suffer bad IBS, stomach spasms and reflux as well as bad anxiety (panic attacks rarely these days thankfully) and although I think I'm quite relaxed and chilled, I have the worst attacks :wacko:.

Once I smoke a few cigarettes and have a G&T I'm fine. I do want to stop smoking but it's getting to the point where I'll go 2/3 weeks and have an episode and light up again. I don't drink alcohol unless I'm smoking and visa versa.. they are my relaxation tools (weak I know :blush:).

When I had a course of CBT earlier in the year (I was having full blown panic attacks) my therapist actually said it perhaps wasn't the best time to stop as the stress was just as harmful.

If anyone's had a similar experience with quitting I'd love to hear how you got on.


01-12-09, 10:31
I havnt tried quitting whilst being panicky, im too scared too! I do know that when we quit smoking, our body detoxifies all the sh*t we put in, so maybe this could be why? Your brain is used to being calm whilst smoking, when you take it away boom... anxiety....

Now im more scared to quit smoking!! hahaha.