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View Full Version : Lumps and bumps, can you all do a little check for me please

01-12-09, 09:00
Can you all do a little check for me please, to save me googling AGAIN!!

If you put your hands under your arms and move your hands down the sides of your body, if you press in and feel around fleshy area beneath your rib cage. Do you find all different lumps and bumps.

Because I have had that bronchitis and get awful bachaches, im putting 2 + 2 together and coming up with 5.

My bachache tends to hurt round there aswell, so my attention has now been drawn to this area

Thanks all :-)

01-12-09, 10:37
No bumps or lumps for me.

01-12-09, 10:51
Hey Emma,
There are alot of muscles and glands around that area so you could be feeling either the muscle or as you say you have had bronchitus your glands may be up a wee bit...dont fret..you are fine..I can feel lumps and bumps too..you have probably been coughing alot and strained yourself..thus resulting in aching back and sides..hope this helps..take care x

01-12-09, 11:27
I have lumps and bumps everywhere, from fatty ones to sebacious cysts of which i can probably find a new one every few days.
My g.p explained that if you have the sort of skin that produces cysts then i will have lots of them, i think so far i have found between 15-20 of them.
If you have been unwell chances are it could be glands my son has glands come up where i did not even know you could get them.
Try not to worry to much, and if they still there in a few weeks go and get them checked.:bighug1:

01-12-09, 12:05
Yes, I have those lumps and bumps

01-12-09, 14:41
if you push quite deep, does it feel like there moving around. is that muscle

01-12-09, 14:46
sorry im quite freaked over this, it is on both sides.

01-12-09, 16:01
Yes it does feel like they are moving around, and I can feel the same both sides. I don't know what it is - probably fibrous tissue within the muscle. Please try not to worry:hugs:

01-12-09, 16:13
Problem I have niw, is I keep wanting to check and if I cant find them I keep looking and looking. This is really doing my head in now (ARGH)

01-12-09, 16:18
Emma yes I do have little lumps around that area. Always have and one hurts if I push it. I know it's a gland. I have just tried it so be assured we all have them and it depends how much skin/fat is there as to how much we can feel them if we try. Being slim I can feel all my bumps, glands etc

01-12-09, 16:29
they feel like im pushing them up and down and moving it across?

01-12-09, 16:31
Hello Emma,

I know what you mean. Once you get into that checking cycle it is almost impossible to break. Just remind yourself there are other people who can feel exactly the same; i have had them for as long as I can remember, absolutely nothing sinister - normal. Dont' make yourself sore, because apart from your head thoughts, you then have to deal with a physical reminder (if you know what i mean). :hugs:

01-12-09, 17:13
I have just felt again and it is the same both sides, pretty much exactly. So I guess I now, stop myself from prodding, even if my mind keeps telling to check check check. Tell myself its the same both sides. Will the wanting to check and trying to work it out, then start to go? I hate this

01-12-09, 19:08
Hello Emma,

You will be surprised how quickly the anxiety does subside once you give yourself a break from the checking; it really is a vicious cycle. Be very strong with yourself, treat it like an addicition, and don't give in. Having the same on both sides should reassure you it is nothing to worry about, also remember other people have felt the same too.

02-12-09, 16:49
I am still poking and prodding these lumps, my sides are so sore :-( sometimes i can feel them, sometimes i cant, depends what position im in. I have noticed it is like they are clicking?:blush: