View Full Version : Late period now....what next

01-12-09, 09:01
Hi all,

As some of you know i recently posted about spotting in between my period a few weeks back, and i went to the doctor and as i said he examined me(internal) and he thought all was fine.
Now I was due a period on Thursday there and still nothing yet dont even feel as if it's going to happen no niggly pains or anything, the doctor asked me if I was regular with my periods and I said yes but now this, so now I am scared in case he's missed something or it really is the big C down there like cervical or ovarian.....help please x

01-12-09, 09:09
Could you be pregnant?

Also remember anxiety can mess up the periods.

Have you got the Mirena coil.

There can be a number of non serious reasons aswell.

My doc told me before that it is quite normal for a woman not to have a period for around 4 months, after that they would look into it!!

I know thats hard to accept, but maybe another trip to the doc, if you can't get it out of your mind.

Good luck

01-12-09, 10:22
I agree with EmmaJane. Anxiety can mess up periods very much... As can a low body weight? Could that be applicable to you? There can be so many reasons for a missed period, maybe ask your doctor about it again.

Try not to jump to scary conclusions... Its normal for all women to have late periods, skip periods, be irregular especially when we are anxious!


01-12-09, 10:38
i dont mean to 'scare' you but thats exactly what happened when i found out i was pregnant. mid cycle spotting which was implantation & then a positive pregnancy test xx

01-12-09, 10:55
That is what happened to me. the spotting etc.,.I had to have blood tests done for hormones and thyroid and enemia and they all came back absolutely fine although I was slight enemic..now again this month I have missed my period again and am wondering what to do.

01-12-09, 11:00
I have had spotting mid-cycle and irregular periods for 2 years on and off since having my son. After clear smear, ultrasound and blood tests, doctor has put me on microgynon to try to regulate things and this has made things a whole lot worse!! I have been bleeding for 12 days and am really emotional and wound up!! Hopefully it will settle soon.

How late is your period? Sometimes, I think I almost make mine late by worrying about it! Maybe do a pregnancy test if you are worried but sounds like a hormonal imbalance to me.

01-12-09, 13:58
Anxiety can do all sorts of things to your period, but if there's any chance you could be pregnant it's worth doing a test just to rule it out. If it's negative then it's most likely just stress messing with your cycle. Go see your doc if you want your mind put at rest about it. Good luck!

01-12-09, 16:26
I dont know about kitty but for myself I know im deff not pregnant..ill have to take another trip down the docs I think I feel terribly emotional too and have aches and pains everywhere.....hope you sort things out kitty too xx

Cell block H fan
01-12-09, 18:35
Hormones probably. Hard to say, depends on your age, weather there's a chance you could be pregnant, what contraceptives you are using. Etc etc etc. x

01-12-09, 20:44
Thanks guys,

I defo am not pregnant as hubby has had a vasectomy so i'm really not sure, im 5 days late at the moment so hoping i'll maybe get through the night, its just that i used to be so regular up until a couple of months ago,and ive not been feeling overly anxious for a change hopefully it is just my hormones as im only 38, but i'll be keeping an eye on things as ive not had an ultrasound or any blood tests at the moment, hope things get better for you as well tasia and jo, thanks for replying everyone xx

01-12-09, 20:49
I'd take a pregnancy test, just in case - it's not impossible for sperm to get through a vasectomy knot! other than that, I have occasionally missed a period here and there and no real reason was obvious.

02-12-09, 18:58
Well period eventually came today, it was only 6 days late.... well at least i'm not pregnant, i just hate this menstrual cycle thing now !!!! :wacko:

02-12-09, 19:48
Big hugs for u Kitty - big relief as well :bighug1:

Dee xxx

Cell block H fan
02-12-09, 19:49
Well period eventually came today, it was only 6 days late.... well at least i'm not pregnant, i just hate this menstrual cycle thing now !!!! :wacko:

Thats good news kittykat.
I am 38, & I think the last few months ive been late. But to be honest, I haven't written down when I come on & being single I know I wont get pregnant, so I dont pay much attention. But pretty sure ive been almost a week late a couple of times recently. And I was regular as clockwork before, always every 23-25 days at most. It might be an age thing unfortunately! x

03-12-09, 12:58
Me too Kitty..came last night 10 days late...really bad one too....glad yours eventually came ...what a carry on we women have hey, take care x