View Full Version : Another Blood Pressure one

16-11-05, 18:03
Hi all

Im really concerned that my anxiety(or something else) is causing my blood pressure to rise.It used to be around 120/60 or thereabouts and now it 140/80.Im really concerned about this and wondered how to try to lower it again?
I have been having way more ectopics and palps and feel strange
Hunny xx

16-11-05, 18:47
Your current blood pressure is still fine so don't worry too much about it.

Things that make it higher include - being overweight, smoking, alcohol and salt.

Do you need to change any of these things?


16-11-05, 19:02
Not overweight,dont smoke,hardly drink.I ont know why its raised like this?
Hunny xx

16-11-05, 19:28
Any relatives with high blood pressure?


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

16-11-05, 20:02
Hi hunny. dont worry this isnt realy high its just up a little becouse of your anxiety and you worrying about it is keeping it up, 120/80 is pretty perfect but I find mine goes up and down quite a lot and doctors and hospital always say its fine. Take care. Vernon

18-11-05, 09:14
yeah 140/80 is fine. i used to have high blood pressure which was about 160/99.
i think as long as the bottom figure doesn't go over 90 it's not classes as high.

since then they have told me i have "white coat" syndrome (my bp is all anxiety related) they strapped me up for 24 hours and found my bp was only raised while in the doctors surgery and apparently this is really common

so don't worry to much if it's raised it's just the anxiety

take care
love Rachel

18-11-05, 17:01
Thank you
No,i dont have any relatives with blood pressure problems as far as i know.
I am just worried becuse it is high for me.My Dr didnt say anything about it,i wish i hadnt been nosey and read the notes now!!
Any ideas on how to lower it,or will it come down on its own if i deal with the anxiety do you think?
Hunny xx

19-11-05, 07:02
My PcP would love for me to have a BP that good!