View Full Version : I'm new too

01-12-09, 11:22
Hi everyone,

I've just joined this forum after reading through posts for ages I decided to join in.

I'm currently off work until after Christmas for stress and anxiety. It all started when my dad died of lung cancer in March. We also lost our family dog and I have spent so much time caring for / worrying about my mum. In that time we've also had to move house due to noisy neighbours keeping us up every night and I also started a new job. I also have IBS which has flared up big time during all this stress which is a vicious circle as it makes me more stressed!

I am taking some tablets now as well as Kalms (though I only started these yesterday, am hoping they will help). I am also intending to start counselling through Cruse bereavement but have yet to pluck up the courage to make the call.

I think I'm doing slightly better now than I was say three weeks ago, but I'm finding it difficult even to go on public transport or go in the car with other people.

Looking forward to chatting more on the forums.


01-12-09, 11:24
Hi hman1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-12-09, 11:24
Hi Hman...Welcome to NMP..... im sorry for all of your loss and it sounds like you have been through a really stressful and upsetting time. I hope the friendship and support you will find here will help you move forward and get better.

Mand x

01-12-09, 12:48
hello and welcome to nmp, i am sure u will find lots of great advice and info in here and make new friends too, my nan died of cancer 4 yrs ago quite suddenly and my anxiety went through the roof, so i understand what u going through. hugs xxx