View Full Version : What to do when you wake up..?

01-12-09, 11:48

For the past couple of weeks, I've been waking up feeling really anxious, I've had a lot of serious health anxiety, and not been eating properly, etc, my sleep has been ok, but I wake up just feeling really weird every morning.

It's hard to explain but my whole body feels light, and anxious, and that worries me, so as soon as I wake up i'm worried something is going on.

During the day I may start to feel better, and usually in the evening if i'm watching TV or out or talking to someone I feel better and happier, then i'll go to sleep and it all starts again in the morning.

I just want to break the cycle or know how to wake up feeling positive.

Not sure if it's the new medication making me feel like this, or that my anxiety is still controlling me, but, finding it really hard to not think about my health when I feel this way everyday.

Any thoughts?

01-12-09, 13:03
Hi Chris,

I'm sorry you are not feeling well. Do you take your medication in the morning? If so, it could be that you just need your meds. If not, I would suggest what I try to do every morning. I try to think of 3 things I am grateful for and if I have to I write them down in a journal. I do the same thing at night. This helps me focus on the positives in my life rather than the negatives because it is so easy for me to think of the "what ifs" and then my mind goes in all kinds of directions and none of them are positive. I also have the problem you have in the morning and when I try to sleep at night and I think it is because our minds have time to rest and then we have time to think of the "what ifs" and then our minds are off and running. I hope this helps.

Take care,


01-12-09, 16:15
I can relate. Thoughts seem to take control and then for me, I feel light headed and anxious. Was okay before dealing with the ectopic beats. I wake up in fear of them.

Somewhere there is a book that recommends you do light exercise when you get up. I think might try that.

Hope you find a way to make mornings and waking uo less stressful

01-12-09, 16:57
Gosh, thats sounds like I was up to a few days ago. Its horrible, I use to dread going to bed, cos I knew I would wake up anxious ( guess that didnt help really ). Settled down a bit now. Good luck,