View Full Version : Left Arm Tension

01-12-09, 13:59
I get a really achey and heavy arm which sometimes feels prickly, I know this is due to my anxiety but I seem to get the arm thing even when I feel good in myself, I was just wondering if anyone else suffers with this and maybe has some tips on getting rid of it. I am going to try acupuncture after christmas as I am fed up of it now but was wondering if there is something I can try myself?

Many Thanks

01-12-09, 14:43
I had acupuncture for shoulder/neck problems and it made it a lot worse. I would recommend you find a good chiropractor or osteopath. These problems generally start with anxiety and then become chronic, so not surprised you get it even when you feel well.

My osteopath has helped me more than any doctor or medication.

01-12-09, 14:57
Hi there, i have been getting the aching feeling in my arm for sometime and it can be quite uncomfortable. I am currently undergoing CBT for the anxiety and it is helping alot. But i do get the dead arm feeling even when i am feeling OK, i did go for a massage last week and the person who carried it out could not believe how tense i was and said it is going to take another few sessions to get me back to normal.

01-12-09, 15:10
I had acupuncture for shoulder/neck problems and it made it a lot worse. I would recommend you find a good chiropractor or osteopath. These problems generally start with anxiety and then become chronic, so not surprised you get it even when you feel well.

My osteopath has helped me more than any doctor or medication.

Thanks for the info, the only reason I am going to try acupuncture is because it was reccomended to me, I will look into a chiropractor and osteopath and see if they can help.

01-12-09, 15:12
Hi there, i have been getting the aching feeling in my arm for sometime and it can be quite uncomfortable. I am currently undergoing CBT for the anxiety and it is helping alot. But i do get the dead arm feeling even when i am feeling OK, i did go for a massage last week and the person who carried it out could not believe how tense i was and said it is going to take another few sessions to get me back to normal.

I have had CBT in the past and it helped a lot with my anxiety but not with this arm thing, I am on the waiting list to see someone for more CBT as I feel I do need it, I wonder if a massage might help me, I guess it is worth a try.

Thank you :-)

01-12-09, 21:16
Have you tried swimming?