View Full Version : how long have you been on citalopram?

01-12-09, 17:27
just wanted to see how long people tend to stay on it? im happy to give it a try but i dont want it to be a long term fix to my problems.

01-12-09, 17:40
Hi KirstyElizabeth!
Just around 6 months and counting, feeling so much better for it to. like you i didnt like the idea of being on them long term, im only 23 and being on them for years scared me but over that weekend there i actually run out on thursday night and couldnt get anymore cit till yesterday morning. I felt awful all weekend and started feeling anxious and depressed come sunday night. Monday night i started feeling like my old self again and thought to myself, so what if i need to take a pill to stay the way i like? If it means not going back 'there' its the least i can do! Maybe try not to pressure yourself with a specific time that you want to come off them, just take your own recovery time and when you feel ready to come off do so with the support of your doc.
Hope that helps, i have a tend to rant on a bit!

01-12-09, 23:02
Just beginning my 5th week here. Hoping that it'll work it's magic soon. :)