View Full Version : Anxiety and depression seems to be better at night

01-12-09, 18:30
Does anyone else feel like this too or is it just me

01-12-09, 20:34
Anyone, im starting to think i have Bipolor now :weep:

01-12-09, 20:43
I have anxiety and depression and I always feel better in the evenings, I think it's because I'm at home and feel safe and that I don't feel like I should be out pushing myself to do stuff like I do during the day.

01-12-09, 20:45
Does your mood elevate?

02-12-09, 15:08
I don't feel particularly happier just more relaxed I suppose.

04-12-09, 22:20
Hi Manx Kitty

When I have had depression I feel much worse in the mornings a bit better in the afternoons and some evenings felt so back to my oldself that i would think that the depression had gone, but it came back most mornings until the ad's kicked and the other therapies kicked in.

I beleive it is to do with "cortisol" levels when we are depressed. I just tried to enjoy the evening and accept the mornings...easier said than done I know.

Hope the depression lifts soon for you.

Take care

Sue :hugs:

05-12-09, 17:02
Same for me.
Quite often the evenings are fine.
Shame we can't bottle the evening feeling. :)


06-12-09, 01:54
i agree, evenings are better. I find i can make plans for the next day, and sometimes get excited, but when i wake up i just have no motivation and often just stay in bed

06-12-09, 22:33
I know this feeling too.
Cortisol does play a part, like the above post says.
sorry you are feeling this way.

07-12-09, 21:15
Yeah-I feel exactly the same. I don't know why but Sundays are always the worst for me and I often end up just going back to bed, but the evening is fine.

I've ended up making myself really tired cos I want to stay up enjoy feeling ok!

07-12-09, 23:06
The anxiety is better at night but the depression is much worse, it's at night when all the crap runs through the brain and I dread going to bed because I have to face another day tomorrow.
Yet I know that in the morning I will manage to cope.
Weird, but there you go. :shrug:

02-01-10, 18:28
Yeah I tend to feel better in the evenings too, just wish it would last! I usually wake up in the early morning hours and cant sleep then and the anxiety comes back and it starts all overe again tho :(

03-01-10, 02:18
I am usually terribly depressed during the day, and very happy at night. I wondered if it was bipolar too, but I spoke with a person on this site who has bipolar and she figured out it wasnt.

Ive been told it is the cortisol levels too, but i don't know how to change that? If i was like I was during the nightttime all day - id be great!!! Life would be awesome.

Its crappy that it isnt... :(