View Full Version : Magnesium supplements for anxiety/palps

01-12-09, 19:01
Does anybody take it and do any of you think it helps??

Apparently magnesium is great for palps in particular.


01-12-09, 19:15
I heard that too. I take a vitamin with magnesium in it and at the moment I can't say it makes any difference, unfortunately!

01-12-09, 20:41
i bought straight magnesium today...will let you know if i notice an improvement

01-12-09, 20:51
Just thought id paste this thread i saw somewhere else.. ive seen lots like it so im holding out so hope that this magnesium may help.

Hi there
I have suffered from for two years! I have suffered from panic attacks (http://www.uncommonforum.com/glossary/panic-attacks.html) muscle spasms, migranes, palpitations bouts of crying and numerous othjer . Ive posted on this website for at least a year and got no where as helpfull and supportive as everyone has been on here nothing worked ive been tested for everything had a heart monitor and nothing was found, i was ready to chuck in the towel and be put on beater blocks or srri's!

However my doctor dianosed me with hyperventilation disorder I researched into this to find the main cause of this is magnesium deficency. I found two sites extremely helpfull and after just four days of sensible magnesium supplements my anxiety and most symptoms have nearly disapperared or have been greatly reduced!

01-12-09, 22:31
Sounds promising. Might ask at a chemist in town tomorrow (assuming that I can take it with Citalopram)

01-12-09, 22:35
it is true magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety, taking it certainly wont hurt you unless you do too much, most multivitamin and minerals contain bout 33% of your RDA of magnesium i think.


02-12-09, 21:19
I've been and got some today and will take some tomorrow when I take the Citalopram. I'll keep reporting back here with my findings.

02-12-09, 21:54
I have religiously taken Magnesium for anxiety.

I am sure it helps

02-12-09, 22:56
I was going to buy some super-lightweight magnesium alloy wheels for my car until I found out they were £1,000 each.

Slightly more on topic, I've got magnesium supplements that I stopped taking ages ago. I just downed one now. Let's see if it makes any difference.