View Full Version : Lower back Pain..Anyone suffering with this too??

01-12-09, 19:27
Have had a bad time for the last year with back troubles, needless to say my H/A has been really bad am convinced all these back problems are cancer...have had Physio and seen a consultant and its still no better, although all have said its nothing serious ( Easy said when your not suffering everyday).

At the mo its lower back pain everyday, a burning sensation in my hip and thigh and little shooting pains after ive been to the loo ( wee ), is anyone out there suffering or has suffered with the same or similar? i need some reassurance after a year of this im at the end of my tether and convinced i have something awful...

Thanks so much for reading,

Mandy xxx.....P.S.. Pain killers dont help much either.

01-12-09, 19:37
It sounds like something is irritating a nerve. Ask to have a CT scan done. I've had back problems and I have a friend who's had the exact same symptoms as you for many years. She's had all kinds of tests and nothing serious is going on. If it's nerve pain then pain killers usually don't do much .. at least they didn't for me. An anti-inflammatory usually helps.

miss diagnosis
02-12-09, 12:42
Lower back pain is really really common. In fact i think its the number one cause of Sick days.I have suffered back pain for 13 years after a few procedures and surgery which left me with arthritis of the spine!

Try heat patches,warm baths,electric blanket and yoga and Pilates to keep your spine moving. Belive me if it was anything seriously wrong with your back you would know all about it!!

19-02-10, 19:51
just reviving this thread as ive been suffering pains like this for about six month severe lower back pain and pain and burning in my coccyx and back passage doc says its muscle tension its so distressing .

19-02-10, 20:22
Yeah I'm sure I've read so many times that back pain is like one of the top causes of sick days (along with stress), and most of the population have it or something because we all have such terrible posture these days.

I get pain at the very bottom of my back which completely knocks me for six, I can't move when I get it bad. Which is so annoying because the best thing you can do is keep moving and stretching. I would recommend an MRI as they image all the discs, nerves and muscles in your back beautifully and 99% of the time those are what cause the problems. I had an MRI of my lumbar spine and my knees a few months ago after I fell in the shower and had a lot of problems (they incidentally found I had a scoliosis in my spine which may exaplin some of the pain I experience normally at least). An MRI would be able to rule out anything sinister (which I am positive you don't have) and give a good picture of what is causing you the pain hopefully. My GP was the one who referred me, perhaps go down and have a chat with them?