View Full Version : Can I scream now??

01-12-09, 20:05
Hi there, this is an on going problem that i've had now. I have been tested, poked and prodded over the last 6 months, my doctor has diagnosed me with OAB, saw a Urologist as well he said the same. I have been given medication as well which is somewhat slow to take effect. However overall things are better than they were.

My worry is that that having overactive bladder does seem to satisfy my HA, I have to have something more serious, like MS!!! I told my doctor this and he said 'dont go there' as I dont have any other symptoms for it. He did reassure me for a few weeks then all those horibble doubts come flooding back.

So I ask what is wrong with me???? Every day all i think about is my bladder and when i'm gonna pee! I'm sure this in itself cant be doing me any good, I'm driving myself crazy :weep:

Anyone else out there with bladder problems or anyone with some positive words :)


01-12-09, 20:19

We have all obsessed about one condition or another... its only natural when you have an ailment and it takes what seems like an eternity to forget about but you will.
trouble is when you have health anxiety you seem to move from one diagnosis to the other.
please jsut give yourself time to get over the paranoia it will go as you realise that nothing bad will happen ... and it wont

And if it helps yes go scream xx


01-12-09, 23:00
Im always looking for something to feel that symptom with..Meaning i know what you mean..If I forget about having a brain tumor and my face starts feeling funny then I think its a stroke and if I go to the doctor with my heart she tells me no I don't have heart trouble then I ask her about 10 or 15 other diseases and much like yourself she says you don't have the symptoms for it.I suppose maybe its an obsession or hoping thats all it is..

I don't have any one pronounced symptom.. Nothing I can pinpoint.. Maybe its a feeling of being lost and not being found that feeds mine. Im not sure but I did want to say I kind of know what you mean..Michael

02-12-09, 01:13
Thanks for ur replys, it is amazing the power of our minds, the more we focus on a symptom the more we know its there. I find i can almost create a symptom just by thinking about it. I will at worse obsess about it for days or weeks, so much that I will convince myself I have that symptom and then I will relate it to an illness and then convince myself I have that illness. I have been doing that pretty much with the bladder problem, I feel I am making it worse just by focusing on my bladder every minute of every day. It gets so tiring, i'm exhausted. Thats why I think the bladder problem is still there bugging me. The only problem is how do I switch that thought process off??

Any ideas?