View Full Version : Does medication work?

01-12-09, 21:56
Hello all

I have been an anxiety sufferer for many years now. Since I lost my mum 3 years ago my panic attacks have become a lot worse, and the last few days have been unbearable.

I have honestly never felt this bad.

I have never taken any medication for my problem - Do you advise it? I do wonder that whatever pills i take - my thoughts (whuch trigger the attacks) will not change.

Any thoughts/advise would be gratefully received.

Many Thanks


01-12-09, 22:09
Hello Heidi, I'm so sorry about losing your mum. This is a huge life changing moment and takes a long time to come to terms with. I've heard others saying that this is when they felt at their worse with anxiety. If you are really struggling then there is nothing to lose by talking to your doctor and discussing if medication will help. It can be of great benefit to some people. It can take the edge off how bad you are feeling. Speak to your doctor and take their advice. You don't have to suffer like this and keep having to struggle on your own.

01-12-09, 22:23
Hi Heidi,

I am also sorry for the loss of your Mum. Medication works for some and not for others. Counseling aids with the meds and some just get by with counseling. I agree that speaking with your doctor and choosing the route you go about treatment for you is the best way. Everyone needs to find their own journey. By the way, if you do choose meds, they can take a few weeks to kick in. Personally, I chose both. I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


02-12-09, 10:38
After talking with many people I have discovered that it's true when people say that medication works from some and not for others.

For me, meds work wonders !!! I am on Zoloft 100mg and was on aropax 20mg (but I was pregnant and had to change to zoloft)

They both work wonders for me, I try to come back to this site to offer any advice or help... I have been through the ringer like most here :( but meds makes me near normal.

All the best and remember that you may need to try a few meds to find the one that works for you.. also it takes 4 weeks for them to work.

x x x x