View Full Version : Don't know if Sesame Street exists In Britain, but maybe you remember this

02-12-09, 00:33
Not sure if you guys had/have Sesame Street in your countries, but this is what I grew up on. I posted this for someone else and maybe you will laugh, but this song, which is one I heard as a child, plays through my mind all the time now. It is funny for me that my childhood comes back to me during my times of anxiety and depression (I did have a wonderful childhood). I wonder if I have realized that I am really grown up now and cannot accept it. Do you ever feel that way? Hope you enjoy


02-12-09, 01:21
Hi. We did have Sesame Street, but I've not seen anything of it for years now. It's great that you have happy memories to hang on to when you are low. I too resist adulthood - I'm loving having a grandson who is just starting to play games and interact. I'm planning lots of trips to the seaside and messy games!

Veronica H
02-12-09, 09:14
:yesyes:Yes we had it here Mya......Oscar the Grouche in the dustbin, Big Bird:) thanks for reminding me. I keep getting pulled back to my childhood because it was traumatic and therefore keeps me 'stuck' at times. I am so pleased that yours was good and that you can draw on that for comfort.:bighug1:


02-12-09, 14:41
Thanks Maddie - I am happy to hear you can relive your youth with your grandson! He is a lucky guy to have you. We are all children at heart.

Veronica H- I am so sorry to hear your childhood was traumatic. I am very lucky to have had a safe and protected childhood, however, I think that may be part of the reasons I am always in fear now. I think my parents did too much to protect me and the real world has become too overwhelming, although it is overwhelming for many people, even without the "safe" childhood I had. I hope you are able to find the positives in your life now.

This song is one that keeps playing in my mind because I have ALWAYS felt like the "kid that was not like the others" Still do, but the adult that doesn't belong! I think many people have those thoughts though. We need to find people that accept us for our uniqueness. I would think and at least I hope people would accept me for who I am instead of the woman who tries to be what everyone wants. I can no longer put on the "front" and I think that is what contributed to my anxiety issues.

Thanks for listening and wishing you the best