View Full Version : dizzy spells - please help

02-12-09, 00:54
hey, over the past few days i have been getting a lot of dizzy spells especially in the evening and i know this is a symptom of a brain tumour so im freaking out. i have been pretty anxious lately though as i found out i have a tooth infection and thats been really worrying me. the dizzy spell will sometimes last quite a while and other times only a few mins. i'm so worried. any ideas? could it be serious?
Please reply
Love Louise XXX

02-12-09, 01:05
Dizzy spells are quite common with anxiety, I get them alot. Quite random as well. Neck tension can cause dizzy spells, low blood pressure as well, ear infections, the list goes on. I wouldn't worry to much about brain tumours, thats the last thing i'd think it was. I know its hard not to worry believe me, try and distract urself from it, read or watch tv. Thats what I try to do. Hope you feel better soon

Hugs xx