View Full Version : New here

02-12-09, 03:37
Hi Everyone. Im Erin and I am my doctors worst case of Health Anxiety. I dont even know where to start. I have been suffering from health anxiety (which until I found this forum, I thought I was completely 100% alone in this....I didnt even know health anxiety existed!!) for 6 years. I was on Paxil for 2 1/2 years and took myself off because it make me feel awful. I dealt alone for 3 years until this past month when my anxiety flew off the handle. I got sick with the flu, very much likely the swine flu, last month. With all the media hype and scare over the swine flu, I lost it. For the past 5 weeks I have been into a doctors atleast 2times a week. I was at my cardiologist because I thought I was having heart failure. I thought I had increased pressure in my lungs. I tried taking Celexa for 3 days and it made me feel terrible so I took myself off. I fear taking any anti depressant because I dont want to get seritonin syndrome. 3 days ago I broke out in a rash. It is all over the insides of both my arms and on my torso. Little red dots, almost looks like my pours of the skin are red and some are just skin colored. The doc today said it seems to be a mild reaction to something, possibly a new shirt I wore, and prescribed me a cream. I havnt tried it yet, because it is a strong steriod cream and Im afraid to take it. I dont even itch. I dont know what the rash is, but Im fearing the worst. I keep thinking my throat is going to close. if that was the case, it would have happened already right?
So yes, thats me. Ms. paranoid. I dont sleep, Im always afraid that if I sleep I wont wake up. Everyday I have a symtpom of something (dizziness, lightheaded, chest pains, leg cramps, migranes, severe stomach pains and upper stomach bloating...you name it, Ive had it!)

02-12-09, 03:57
Welcome Erin- you are definitely not alone in this. I struggle daily with it too- it's an evil thing to deal with. I hope you find some comfort in this site xx

02-12-09, 04:30
Hi Erin and :welcome:, as tnt808 has allready said, you are definately not alone with this, many people with identify with your introduction ,because they could have written it themselves, myself included. its a horrible place to be, but i am sure you will find the site very useful, there is not much that others havent heard or experienced before, you are among friends now.
take your time settling in, and hope to speak with you again soon.

best wishes

P x