View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like this?

02-12-09, 04:58
Hi i'm a 30 year old male. I have good friends great family and no real complaints in life. Except...
I permanently and I MEAN permanently worry about myself to the degree that it is quite literally all I think about.
It really is ruining my life. The tradgedy for me is that i've been like this my whole life with little glimpses of calm in between no it's been over three years were not a single moment goes past without me worrying about my heart or my head or a pain here and a pain there.
I can be on a night out and people are talking and i'm laughing and joking but i'm not listening i'm thinking about feeling ill and secretly feeling my pulse to see if it's regular...
Some brain huh??
I get home from work and I don't go to bed I sleep sitting up on my sofa 'cause i'm scared of falling asleep i'm just cracking up with it although it's actually so normal to me now I feel like this is how life is..
Sorry to go on I just wondered if anyone else gets these feelings because I could use some advice.
I tried to tell a friend of mine a while back what was going on but she wouldn't believe me as I seemed so outgoing and happy but I know how to act and on the inside i'm a mess.. if only she spent a week with me she'd realise :(

02-12-09, 05:18

here i am your twin in the matter. you sound exactly like me, and describe how i feel the majority of the time, my heart, my head and the pulse, in fact as we speak theres gonna be the chance of swine flu in my mind cos im full of cold, and the stomach ache cant just be that.
im working on it again as i know that if i do it goes away and i feel 'normal' again.
hope your okay and if you want to you can pm me.

hugs to you


02-12-09, 09:36
Hi ConAnima, your symptoms are spot on to me. I have been suffering from anxiety for the last six months and it got so bad that i had to seek help for my symptoms and my GP referred me for CBT and so far I have had three sessions and I feel that it is really helping. However I did have a bad night last night, went to bed then started feeling so anxious that i did not get to sleep until around 2:00am and then woke up again at 6:00am still feeling anxious. At present i am in work and trying to not let that vicious cycle of negative thinking get to me. But i am coping better these days although bit of a set back today, DARN!

02-12-09, 11:28
I completely understand what you are going through, I have been like this for a year. I go out and socialise and I appear so normal that nobody has a clue what's really going on inside. My anxiety is all to do with my head, I'm obsessed with it, I'm constantly aware of it and I feel pain all the time because of it. I'm really trapped in a vicious circle and don't know how to get out of it, I've seen a counsellor but it didn't really work. I'm so afraid of suffering a brain injury that all I do is think about my head which causes pain which makes me think I'm going to suffer a brain injury which causes pain which makes me think I'm going to suffer a brain injury and it just goes on and on and on. I just wish there was a moment when I was relaxed and wasn't thinking about my head!! My partner is very supportive and says nothing bad will happen to me but I'm so convinced that I've already caused brain damage and that I will die from it one day and so I just can't move on and get better. Grrrrrrr so annoyed with myself! x

02-12-09, 16:05
Wow so I'm not alone! That makes me feel better but not because others are suffering. If I could take away your pain I would! But to know I'm not alone helps.
So right now I'm at the doctors awaiting my appointment. I've made a list of things I want to say because many is the time I've been here and left without saying how I feel. Part embarrassment if I'm honest but today is the day I need a break through and I feel positive for once..
I'm glad you have a suppotive partner I've had two but pushed them away because I felt ashamed o couldn't be the guy I wanted to be.. Hard to explain.
I hope this can be fixed I mean people get better right??

02-12-09, 16:26
yes they do

02-12-09, 16:29

Hope your doctors appointment went well and you managed to speak your mind- it's best to give all details despite embarrasment, or you're just avoiding the real issue and will get nowhere! I don't suffer from this problem, but can sympathise with the feelings of torment. However, I am sure that you can overcome this. The fact that you are going to see the doctor about it is a positive first step- I'm sure they will be understanding. It shows that you are actively seeking a solution to your problem. Don't give up. Seek help, it's out there in the form of counsellors and therapists, or close friends.

Best wishes.

02-12-09, 18:54
I hope that your docs appointment went well!! I keep saying that I'm going to go back but feel too embarrassed and ashamed because I feel like my problem is so wierd and also because I have a baby, I don't want to be judged. I need to go back though because I'm starting to get really depressed with it but don't want to take any medication. x