View Full Version : Full of cold

02-12-09, 09:31
I woke up full of cold and blew out lots of nice green stuff;) is green normal with a cold? Doesnt mean i need to have antibiotics? Im prone to sinusitis, get it with every cold i get but usually after ive had the cold a couple of weeks.

02-12-09, 09:43
I think if your were coughing up green phlem it would probably be a sign you need to see the dr but from the nose i doubt its anything... just keep an eye on the temperature and if it goes above 38 then maybe get advice

If its any consolation i can hardly swallow with my sore throat and the sneezing has started now.

Time of year i guess

Take care x

02-12-09, 09:51

NO I don't have a cough, so nothing coming up. It is just when I blow my nose? its clear with green/yellow in it, my friend says that is normal with a cold? My temp is also ok.

Get well soon.

A xx

02-12-09, 09:54
Don't worry your fine, Just your bodies way of getting rid of the excess gross stuff hehe. Bet you noticed that you could breathe so much better once its gone.

don't know how I know so much lol but the green stuff will eventually go clear, an become less and less prominant, and you'll start to feel better.

Nat x

02-12-09, 10:19
So green from nose is noemal?;)

Thank you xx

02-12-09, 10:32
Green snot is normal I hope cos every time I get a Cold, I get green snot. I see it as a really bad cold for me and not Flu related.

Currently I have just started with a Cold I think. I've had a sore throat which is getting better and my nose keeps running clear snot.

My thoughts are for you all who have Colds and Flu at the mo and I'm sorry for the tmi description.

02-12-09, 10:40
Horrible isnt it. It is mainly my left nostril aswell, yuk!

Cell block H fan
02-12-09, 12:19
I get this every cold I get. And I haven't had antibiotics for years, so I expect its just a normal cold! x

02-12-09, 21:44
Thanks so much x