View Full Version : After Sex Feeling Exremeley Health Concious

02-12-09, 09:52
If you read my last post on sex.. about how i had my water infection you'll probably understand this post more.

Me and my guy are falling more apart each time after sex as soon as we finish i get up and have to clean myself to makesure i wont get a water infection, he does wash 'it' under the tap but this isnt good enough for me. We used to have such a healthy sex life but after my water infection ive been hesitent of him ejaculating inside me.. im sorry if this is too much information i really do apologise but i have to be honest to get the right answers but i feel as if i need to scrub myself down there straight after sex and i think this upsets him. He wont even wear condoms with me because he says it doesnt feel the same, its probably my fault because i took his virginity without a condom. I feel so stupid. Me and him have an amazing relationship he takes great care of me and thinks the world of me, i get on with his family and we're engaged and he tells me he loves me 100 times a day. But sex is really getting to us and its got to the point where we're becoming so insecure with eachover we're aruging during and i just have to stop and i cant look or talk to him till the next morning.

02-12-09, 09:55
Sorry for the spelling im exremley tired and my keyboard is playing up.

Lord knows what you people think of me :(


02-12-09, 11:02
I hope to god you are using some kind of protection if you doing it without condoms, as that'll play on your mind just as much, if not more than the rest of it.

It sounds to me you are just over-worried about getting another water infection, which can be overcome in time with some positive thinking.

However, maybe the first step will be to use condoms just to see if that eases your mind a little, then build from there. So what if it feels different, if he loves you as he says he does, he wont mind using a condom, and that's coming from a male!

If he refuses then he obviously thinks more of sex than he does of you, sorry it sounds harsh, but men that expect sex without a condom really do run the risk, just as much as women.

Just try talking about it, suggest some ideas then go from there, also look up some positive thinking techniques :)

02-12-09, 13:13
Cant say I blame you Ruby ..No Bath or shower ..no sex ,As for the condoms ,there are many different types available there is no excuse .After every thing you have said about this he needs to change his ways ..Words dont prove how you feel about someone ,,actions do ..Be firm with him ..Sue xx