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View Full Version : A really hard night and morning:((((

02-12-09, 10:08
This night has been awful and horrible.
I really thought that i am dying, that i had to go to emergency and i saw in front of me that they couldnt do anything there to help me.

I have had alot of stress lately and i guess thats why it hits me so hard now.
I have panic attacks often and have problems with HA and GAD too.

It started yesterday afternoon, felt on the edge and my breathing wnet out of control. It was like a rollercoaster in the evening, up and down but when i went to bed hell broke loose.

Couldnt breath, tight chest and a burning and stabbing feeling in my heart. Very nausseous but didnt vomit. I couldnt stay in bed, i felt all spaced out and afraid, i thought that i am dying and this is how my family will find me:weep:
I was so extremely tensed, all my muscles aches.

I went up to get dressed again, i really didnt know what to do.
I was all sweaty but still cold, very strange. Dizzy and foggy and extremely scared.

I didnt go out or call anyone, i was even to scared to take diazepam, i really didnt think it was panic.

After a few hours in the early morning i fell asleep in my clothes, jeans and everything on top of the bed. Slept for a few hours and i really feel like something has hit me really hard today.
Really bad hangover and i called my GP so i will se him on friday.

I dont know what to do, there isnt any more tests or x rays to do but i still cant believe its anxiety or panic.:weep:

I really feel lost and scared, not like i am supposed to feel.
I have cipralex prescribed but i havnt tried them.

Can someone relate to these awful times, and nights.
Have you got any good ideas what to do? Is cipralex a good thing to try?

I am really deperate right now.



02-12-09, 10:16
Hi Dazo,

I was suffering just like this about 5 weeks ago. I was put into 10mg Cipralex, and whilst the first two weeks were bad with a few side effects, I now feel a lot better.
Hang in there and if you decide to start the Cipralex just remember you need about 4 weeks before you start feeling better.

02-12-09, 11:23
Hi Dazo,

I was suffering just like this about 5 weeks ago. I was put into 10mg Cipralex, and whilst the first two weeks were bad with a few side effects, I now feel a lot better.
Hang in there and if you decide to start the Cipralex just remember you need about 4 weeks before you start feeling better.

I have such a hard time understand how i can feel this sick.
I start to loose hope also that things can get better.

Did you have panic attacks and high anxiety too before the cipralex?

02-12-09, 11:32
I had it all Dazo, but it is under control right now and I feel a lot better.

02-12-09, 17:22
Now i have had panic 24/7 since yesterday:weep:

I feel totaly broken down and i am scared, i have extreme fear inside.

02-12-09, 17:26
if you have diazepam take one it wont harm you it will calm you down ,,you must try to relax or distract your thoughts ,it is anxiety truly

02-12-09, 18:25
I have taken a half pill of diazepam now, i hope it will help.
I am really tired after this mess.

Gypsywoman, thank you so much for saying its anxiety. I guess i can hear that a hundred times now, i have such a hard time understand things now.

02-12-09, 21:17
Sounds like anxiety to me. Glad you have taken a diazepam, as it can help to take the edge of things. Also good to see that you are going to see your GP.

Take care and hang on in there!

03-12-09, 10:29
I took one more pill diazepam last night, of course i freaked out, scared of the medication.
Anyway i went to bed and things got a bit better so this night i have slept very well without waking up.

Today i am at work again but i feel that the beast is inside me just wanting to hit me again.
Strange feelings in chest and some stabbing pains around the heart and chest.
Slight foggy in the head too.
A never ending circle?????