View Full Version : Please Help Me

02-12-09, 11:27
Hi Guys

I have been feeling very low and anxious for just over a year now since i lost my amazing mam i can honestly say i have not felt 100% since the day she died and i am beginning to think i need to learn to live with this fear and pain in order to get some quality of life

I have tried fluxotine it made me very ill so it was decided thoes kind of meds were not for me which i am happy with i am taking lanzoprozole(sp) for the indegestion paracetamol every 4 hours for the back neck and shoulder pain and i am on colofac for my ibs which is what i have the most problems with

I am constipated i think..........i used to go toilet every day now i go maybe every 2/3 days sometimes more than once a day i get uncomfortable before i go toilet whilst it is building up so to speak (sorry to be graphic) my back hurts more when my ibs is off is it connected? the pain is around my left side like mid backish if you know what i mean

I am terrified of doctors hospitals basically anything medical but i do go doctors because sometimes i get so low and cry alot because i just want to feel well i have 4 kids 3 teenage daughters and a 8 yr old son who has Autism my middle daughter i have just found out has self harmed(her boyfriend cheated on her) i feel this is my fault because i am so wrapped up in myself and how ill i feel i am not being there for them

Anyone have any tips on how i can get through this without going insane

Thanks :unsure:

02-12-09, 11:42
Have you thought about counseling? You definitely need some kind of support with all that you have been through. Maybe you could go back to your doctor and discuss your options.

Don't feel guilty about your daughter, people who self-harm generally are very secretive about it.

I really hope you feel better soon. 000

02-12-09, 21:14
Hi Down

Thanks so much for the reply i did have 4 sessions with a councillor but then she left there is a new lady that has started but i do not have a appointment with her yet

I am so tired of feeling like this my hubby has had enough he works nights so it isnt easy i am constantly thinking about the pain in my back asking god before i go to sleep to have a pain free day and being gutted in the morning when i wake up feeling awful which i know is prob half the problem

Thanks :weep: