View Full Version : still cant beat this :(

02-12-09, 12:13
I joined this forum a while ago but havnt been on in a long time :(

I suffer with anxiety and panic disorder also agoraphobia .

I thought i had beaten this illness 5 years ago but unfortunetly with the breakdown of my domestic violence marriage it hit me ard again :(

I have been with my new lovely partner for 4 years and he is wonderfull :)

I have 4 children and so desperatly want to be normal and do normal things for them i cant take them anywhere ie to school/parks/holidays nothing and i desperatly want to find a way to beat this but i just cant do it :(

Im seeing a cpn who is trying to help me deal with all my issues and do exposure work with me but the anxiety/panic attacks never get any easier :(

I just dont no what to do o where to turn anymore i dont want to live like this and dont want my children having to watch it and end up like me.

What can i do to make it easier ?????:emot-fail::weep::weep::weep::weep:

02-12-09, 12:44
I am glad you are with someone decent and caring now, after being in a bad relationship.

I'm no expert, but I've noticed that I can cope when I'm experiencing very stressful times, but as soon as the good times return, my body and mind seem to let me down. Very strange. The more prolonged and the higher the stress levels, the longer it takes me to recover.

It's a bit hypocritical for ME to counsel patience, but you have to accept that it will take time to recover. The more fretful I am about my lack of progress, the more it seems to set me back. Like you, though, I get really fed up with being so frightened and helpless all the time. I feel like I'm existing, not living.

As it can be grim having to face your fears, you do need to make sure that you spend some time each day doing something that you really enjoy. Oh, and do try to reward yourself regularly, especially when you have achieved one of your goals.

As for your children, they will see you facing your fears head-on, one of the most valuable life-lessons you can teach them. It's a shame you can't take them anywhere at the moment, but try to focus on what you will be able to do with them when you're better.

Good Luck with everything :)

08-12-09, 17:15
I suffer from the same as you and I know how you feel. I found that keeping a diary helped and setting myself small goals like walking to the end of the road and going a little bit further each day. Remember take baby steps, it takes time but you will get through this. you are not alone, you can do it :yesyes:

08-12-09, 17:27
Thank you both for taking the time to reply :)

08-12-09, 19:44
You're very welcome, willitstop :hugs:

08-12-09, 20:13
Hi Willitstop,

I suffer from exactly the same conditions as you do and after a few years panic/anxiety free i thought i'd beaten it too, until about 6 months back and i'm back to square one.. frightened to go out the door etc etc.

If I'm honest I have been so low with it this time around that I don't feel like I have much fight anymore.

I went to the doctors the other week and I've been given new medication which apparently takes 3-4 weeks to settle in, I'm hoping this will help me.

Maybe I should ask about a cpn too.

You'll be ok, so will i ... remember you have already done this once before so you can and will do it again.


08-12-09, 20:19
Hi maxine thank you for your post :hugs:

It is so hard thinking that eventually we will beat this especially when you think you have beaten it before its so hard to go back to the start and have to fight the neverending fight all over again :weep:.

I decided after trying so many different tablets that it just wasnt working for me so now im fighting the battle drug free now :yesyes:.

I would defenitly ask your doctor about a cpn or a phyciatrist somebody that can help you deal with your illness once and for all :).

We will all get through this and its only when we hit rock bottom that we realise there is only one way and that is up.

Feel free to pm me if you would like to talk as it really helps to talk to people in the same situation.

God bless you :hugs: xxxx

08-12-09, 20:56
Thanks willitstop :hugs:

I refused to go down the drugs route the first time around after about 3 years of nowt happening I tried them in the end and as I said to the doctor at the time they really didn't seem to do that much.

I came off all meds in january and felt fine.. for a while :huh: Things then semed to spiral out of control.. i was getting very stressed out and worried about things, life in general and next thing you know i couldn't cope at all.

I've been back on meds for 2 weeks now and i am feeling a little calmer but my doctors answer to everything seems to be just prescribe me something and I'll go away :unsure:, I'm going to ring and bug him tomorrow for a cpn or such like, I want my life back!!

Thanks for the offer of Pming you, it is nice to know that there are others who understand.



08-12-09, 23:00
Hi guys

I too have felt a bit fobbed off by gp who doesn't want to know why im feeling like i do and just prescribes beta blockers (which i dont feel help).
I saw a cpn a while back and it did help a little...but i happened to remember the lady as the mother of a friend from school.She didn't seem to recognise me or if she did she didn't react but i still felt a bit strange telling her my fears!
Anyway i have asked to see a cpn again and have an apointment next week...fingers crossed i can start to make some headway!
Good luck to you both!..i cant wait till tomorrow when i can get into the chatroom!

09-12-09, 06:34

jude uk
10-12-09, 02:53
There is only one way to beat this and that is to face it. If you had a fear of the dentist and had toothache that was keeping you up al day and night, you would be banging at the dentists door to sort it out.

Now I know how you feel as I had bad agoraphobia and could not leave my house for over a year. I overcame it but when my mum became ill in 2007 it all came back and again I could not get more than a few yards from my house.

I started just going a few yards more every day, my house was one way and my goal was the other way. my goal was a coffee shop. Can I suggest setting yourself a small goal and even when the fear comes stay with it for a bit.

You will feel uncomfortable
you will feel like running
you may even feel as if your going to faint but unless you face it you will always be a prisoner of your fear

I have lost years that I will never get back and when I look back my fear never came to anything.

This can be beaten and you as well as everyone else will be able to move forward.

I would suggest a small course of diaz which should be used to help relax you and use this to face situations that cause you panic. Also look at what frightens you and see it in a different way.

Remember you are stronger than you think you are

10-12-09, 21:46
i can really sympathise (((((((hugs))))))))
i too have 4 children and my husband has to pick the kids up from school every day and also take them :(
i know how hard it is....you are not alone.
i am reading a nook at the moment its called self help for your nerves by dr claire weekes its very good so take a look if you can.
message me anytime if you ever need a chat xx

12-12-09, 10:41
i can really sympathise (((((((hugs))))))))
i too have 4 children and my husband has to pick the kids up from school every day and also take them :(
i know how hard it is....you are not alone.
i am reading a nook at the moment its called self help for your nerves by dr claire weekes its very good so take a look if you can.
message me anytime if you ever need a chat xx

Thank you :hugs:

Would be good to talk to someone who knows exactly what im going though :hugs:

13-12-09, 00:20
anytime hun anytime xxx

13-12-09, 00:39
hi willitstop, in fact, in our east country, we also think it is necessary to change or modify our feeling state before we can take action. sometime you may assume that we must “overcome” fear to develop confidence or take your children anywhere ...

But in actuality, it is not necessary to change our feelings in order to take action. In fact, it is our efforts to change our feelings that often makes us feel even worse. In other word, we'd better accept our feelings we find that we can take action without changing our feeling state. Often, the action-taking leads to a change in feelings. For example, it is common to develop confidence after one has repeatedly done something with some success.

In general, the stronger we desire something, the more we want to succeed, and the greater our anxiety about failure. So when you take your children somewhere with panic attacks, just let it be. Try do the thing you should do without anticipation...By shutting down the malfunctioning circuit, we can create a new one in a different place in our brain.:hugs: