View Full Version : Panicky again

02-12-09, 12:42
Hi just wanted to sound off today really as I have suffered with health anxiety(mainly heart related been checked out and docs say my heart is fine) for a few years now but ive only been diagnosed and started treatment for it fairly recently. I'm half way through a course of CBT and im taking half inderal 80mg a day. Ive had a really good couple of weeks where I have not felt panicky or worried or anything and I finally thought Yay i'm getting better.

Today though is a different story didnt get much sleep last night worrying about stupid things, now ive got a achy left arm and palpatations and feel really worried about my heart again. Its my period aswell this week so hopefully that is whats kicked this awful anxiety up again.

Anyway gonna try and get some housework or something done to take my mind of this.

02-12-09, 17:48
Hope you managed to take your mind off it with houswork ,,it usually works for me .Periods do make it worse for a lot of women .Hormones play a big part in lifes anxieties for women ,,PMT ,MENOPAUSAL DEPRESSION etc .Im gonna come back as a man next time :yesyes:...Try to keep occupied and find some me time ..Deep breathing does help with the palps keep practising ..Hope you feel better soon Sue xx:hugs:

02-12-09, 18:20
I've had left shoulder/arm pain for about 4 years on and off now. Some days it is there all day, sometimes here and there during a week and then other times I can go weeks/months without feeling it. I see a cardiologist for a heart condition I was born with, my heart is fine. I also get alot of palpatations. Try eating something high in potassium (banana) and see if it helps.