View Full Version : Bang on the head last night. Still got headache

02-12-09, 12:57
Had a small bang on the top of my head last night. Was a bit sore & had a slight headache, but went to bed fine.

Today im fine except i now have a headache near where the bang was. It moves. sometimes its on the injury and some times it moves about.

I dont wanna make a thing of it cause it was not a heavy bang at all. Am i just causing myself the stress headache? Its like a dull headache on the top of my head. It was about 6.30ish last night.

No other symptoms other than a dull headache. I felt fine this morning and didnt notice any headache.

02-12-09, 13:08
Probably a bruise ache when you got the knock.... i banged my head on the car boot (dont ask lol) a while ago and it hurt for days.

If it was at the top front of your head and not the sides or back and especially if it was not a hurt knock the chance of it doing any damage is negligable as that part of your skull is super strong.

Hope it gets better soon

02-12-09, 13:18
Yes it does sound like youve bruised it .Try wrapping some frozen peas in a cloth and placing them on the spot where it hurts ,it will help .It will get better in a couple of days ..Luv Sue x

02-12-09, 13:22

It was at the top/middle of my head. The arch of my head. I was fine this morning though & maybe ive caused the headache by thinking about it.

But it doesnt feell tooo good. Just a headache. But ive no other symptoms.

02-12-09, 13:46
You would know by now if you had done any real damage..you'll be fine... good strong bit of skull there : )

02-12-09, 14:10
cheers. The headache is quite strong but ive just taken some ibuprofen. lets hope it passes!