View Full Version : Hiya I'm new

02-12-09, 14:44
Hi everyone, I've just introduced myself very briefly in the other forum, but thought I'd make my first proper health anxiety related post..

well here goes, the main worry that i have (the one i never get out of my head) may sound stupid, but it's diarrhoea. I absoloutely hate it and the thought of it just makes me panic. I have IBS, which doesn't help matters, as when i get stressed or anxious this flares up and i get an upset stomach, and it's like an endless cycle!

Now, the more serious stuff i worry about.. meningitis, cancer and the newly acquired brain tumour fear.

Like all health anxiety sufferers my fears are based on a broad spectrum of random symptoms (most of which can probably be attributed to anxiety anyway) which in my mind i link to these illnesses.

I have a new symptom now which i'm guessing is related to the IBS and afforementioned fear of diarrhoea, and (sorry if this is too much information) this is blood in my.. err.. you can probably guess..

I've got a doctors appointment for tomorrow just to get checked out and tell him, because in my assessment where he said i had IBS he asked if i had blood in my stools, so i figure it's something he needs to know.

I know i shouldn't be worried, because the blood is bright red which indicated it's not coming from high up in the intestines etc. and the phobia of diarrhoea means that the slightest 'looseness' in my 'motions' and i'm taking immodium for it, which then makes it difficult to pass one the next time i go and i think this has maybe caused piles.

Anyway enough of that, meningitis and the brain tumour are the ones i worry about the most, i have had a stiff neck for a few days and a bad head on and off, and i never get headaches, and also i have random stabbing pain in my thigh and a wierd sensation in my left arm and hand, but i don't know what that could be my brain hasn't decided yet. Also i've noticed i'm smelling things that aren't there and i have been getting ringing in my ears alot, i'm going to mention this also tomorrow.

Sorry for the really long post! :whistles:

02-12-09, 15:31
you will get lots of help on this site i was like you but with this site started to feel better its great