View Full Version : has anybody else

02-12-09, 15:08
got a phobia of medical surroundings for example doctors surgeries or hospitals? because i have to the extent of i simply cant go alone, i can just about go if i have somebody with me but if i have to drive there alone i simply cant enter the building, my hubbie tells me im childish and i know it is but i simply cant help it. I cant even go to my therapy appointments alone i have to get the lady i see to meet me outside. I feel as though she thinks im wierd i know my family does my nan told me today to stop being so stupid and im going to get locked up and sectioned if i carry on with silly hang ups. I simply cannot help it, i have been to the doctors so much in the last few months with my ms thing im sure he is sick of me also.

02-12-09, 15:15
i dont like going my chest gets tite but if family are involved i push myself to go in ,, it musnt be nice for you

02-12-09, 15:16
i also get really nervous about talking to the receptionist i feel as though they think im wierd as well

02-12-09, 15:17

I think your hub is wrong in calling you childish
People can be phobic about absolutely anything at all. The medical one is pretty understandable and common. There are so many people out there who get scared going to the docs/hospital/dentist ect.

I hope you get lots of replies and don't listen to hubbi hun!


02-12-09, 17:05
I went to the doctors today and can relate to what you are saying so much! I had to go myself and I hate it, my heart starts beating really fast in the waiting room and I have to try and calm myself down before I go in.

Its not weird at all, and even people without HA i'm sure get anxious too, so its only normal that we feel completely panicky.


02-12-09, 17:18
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Lots of people are like this ..If you do a job like a Dentist or medical.Receptionist you should know this .Too many of them think they are something important and have a bad attitude anyway ... Let them think what they like hun .Your families attitude is really unhelpful ,they obviously dont understand ..[You need somone with you whos supportive ,lots of people even ones who dont have anxiety wouldnt go on their own ..So dont feel bad about it ./FONT]Luv Sue xx

02-12-09, 21:05
thanks everyone its just i do feel so wierd i know alot of people have phobias of medical places, i hate having to meet the therapist down the road and this week im going to really try and go in on my own, i am so paranoid of what she thinks of me now its making things worse :-(