View Full Version : Help, I'm Losing It!

02-12-09, 16:28
I've been googling again and now I feel like I'm going to lose it! I feel so unwell today and shouldn't be googling but I can't help it. Can someone please calm me down.

02-12-09, 16:31

I'd like to help. Can you tell me what you're thinking, and how this is making you feel?


02-12-09, 16:38
Hi Sweetpea, I'm terrified that I'm dying of some horrible disease. I have some health issues that I'm being tested for but it's taking so long to get to the bottom of everything. Menawhile I'm googling because I'm scared that the doctors will miss something but it's making me almost hysterical. I want to be checked out thoroughly and I want it done now. I'm in an awful way right now. I feel like running to the ER. I have to work today too and I don't know how I'll cope with that.

02-12-09, 16:42
I'm so sorry you feel like this. I'd like to say firstly that I am not a doctor, and have not experienced panic of this nature before, but I am thinking of you. Are you alone, or can you tell somebody how you are feeling right now? I would suggest shutting down Google, if you possibly can. This is only compounding your fears. Tell me more, if only to calm you down.

02-12-09, 16:48
There's no one to talk to right now. I have this feeling of dread that I can't shake. I know that worrying about things isn't going to help me but I just can't stop. Distracting myself doesn't help either.

02-12-09, 16:50
Have you had experiences of dread before? Did it pass? I'm sending prayers your way. Don't even think about work at the moment. Focus on now.xxx

02-12-09, 17:04
I've experienced feelings of dread my whole life. Sometimes they were warranted and other times everything turned out fine. Usually I remain in this kind of state until I'm told everything is alright but this time I don't think everything will turn out ok. I have to wait forever for testing to be done. I'm already on meds for anxiety so there's nothing more I can take to help me. I think I'm going to go crawl in bed until I have to get ready for work. Thanks so much for helping me out Sweetpea.

02-12-09, 17:09
Unless you're already under the duvet (this sometimes is the most comforting place to be), remember this: you have no evidence that you will be ok, but equally you have no evidence that you will not be ok. Don't over-focus on the one aspect. If you are not getting help for your anxiety, please do so. You should not have to go through life feeling like this, but you must choose to do something about it. There's always hope. Keep going and much love. You'll get through.

02-12-09, 17:18
one thing hun dont google .will make you worse if you put on google anything it always come back bad so keep away, first step next try thinking i am not ill this is anxeity ,, i know its bad i feel like it today for no reason ,,but we must carry on x