View Full Version : Breathing

agent orange
02-12-09, 18:43
Not sure if i should post this here. I have been suffering every day for hours on end with a tight chest, a discomfort in my sternum, not being able to get a full breath all the time. I also feel a bit dizzy at times, a bit tingling and pressure in my head. I have been to doctor who said my blood pressure was perfect ( i was feeling like this in the docs office too) He listened to my chest or heart and he said it was CLASSIC Anxiety and that i was probably not breathing correctly. I also cannot cope with huge crowds when i have to go into the city. Does this sound like the doctor is correct, does it sound like a panicky situation? I can sometimes relax in the evening and the breathing gets easier. I also have health anxiety with a somatoform disorder.

02-12-09, 18:53
yes your doctor is right classic symptom if you look on right hand side of page click on anxiety you will get list

agent orange
03-12-09, 09:06
Thankyou Gypsy. I still this morning feel tight and i know deep down the anxiety even though i don't feel overtly anxious is still there. This to me i another symptom in a long list lol.

03-12-09, 10:24
I have alot of problems with my breathing now, i have no idea how to solve this problems.
I have been to several doctors and made so many tests and they seem fine.
Its horrible to feel like this.

agent orange
03-12-09, 10:43
yes i have to gulp air. A good trick is to hold your chest tight and then breath, it helps me a little and of course relax (easier said than done). And there is nothing wrong with me, how ironic lol.

03-12-09, 15:34
I couldve written this post! I too feel like i cant breathe, wake up feeling it which scared me but apparently it is classic anxiety. Ive just started on propanalol a beta blocker which is making me breath correctly.

agent orange
03-12-09, 18:46
well perhaps i need to trust the doctor more. Thanks for your replies. It's just annoying when you have loads of anxiety symptoms and then you get another, it makes you feel really great, lol.

04-12-09, 03:07
I'm with you on this one too hun, god i hate HA!!!

04-12-09, 18:45
I have just purchased some on-line breath easy programme. It was a PDF and I have just started the modules. Hoping it will help this hyperventilation I seem to be having. I went from an every day person to super anxious about health in juts a few weeks

04-12-09, 18:49
It is a classic symptom of anxiety. If your doc says you're fine, trust him. One thing that happened to me was that I realized I had acid reflux, but instead of getting heartburn I got extraesophageal reflux which means the acid was going down my windpipe a bit and causing this. Taking some rennie tablets when feeling like this basically eliminated my problem. Maybe you have the same?

04-12-09, 20:38
Im sitting here now and I feel like someone has there jhands around my throat. Scary symptom

agent orange
06-12-09, 11:17
Thankyou for all your replies, Still having tight chest, but trying not to worry about it.

agent orange
14-12-09, 18:18
Hello again, The problem i posted went away and then came back and I still feel awful, like i can breath and then I can't and i feel tight around the sternum and stuff. I also have acid and lots of belching (bringing up wind) most of the time, could this be contributing to this do you think? The doctor thinks I'm not breathing right? I also get a little fluttery thing right in my sternum, not all the time. I do have a somatoform disorder as well and I'm wondering if that is part of it too? I don't always feel anxious, but it makes me anxious if that makes sense?

14-12-09, 19:03
Hi, I honestly could have wrote your posts, I am so fed up with chest tightness and breathing problems, ended up in A&E last weekend with it, doc said I was fine and sent me on my way. Anxiety symptoms like these are so scary but I relax a little just knowing they are anxiety and nothing more but I know it's tough! Hope you manage to find away to deal with this, let me know if you do! I guess we just gotta relax but each new symptom sets me off,


15-12-09, 06:33
When I have faced problems because of anxiety my friend advised me to try Hypnosis and suggested a site http://www.thoughtsbecomereality.co.uk. They cured my problem through Hypnotheraphy and NLP techniques. Now I am feeling good and free from stress and anxiety.

agent orange
15-12-09, 16:44
Thankyou for your kind replies. I have been reading posts on ecg, I had one when all this started. It was fine, but I was concerned about the flutter, is this like one of those eptopics or could it be caused by wind coming up, because I belch so much and always bringing up air every few minutes, but not all the time, I have this belching for years, but wondering if any of this is linked and I of course think i'm somatizing too much too. I feel like my face is lacking blood flow. I don't know if it's all linked or just me.