View Full Version : Letter from Doctor Re. blood tests!

02-12-09, 20:22
I've just receieved a letter from my Dr asking me to make an appointment to discuss the outcome of my blood tests. Im really worried now. Do they send you a letter when something is wrong?

02-12-09, 20:27
Hi scroll down to the bottom and read "similar threads" - this happens to loads of people so there are loads of posts about it

02-12-09, 20:43
Mine just said "please make an appointment to discuss the outcome with a Doctor within the next week". It didn't indicate a problem. Still worried though because even if something is a little out on my Full Blood Count I'll believe the worst and panic.

02-12-09, 20:57
oh, it says "discuss the outcome with a Doctor routinely within the next week". Not that that really means anything.

02-12-09, 21:35
It will be fine I am sure - stop worrying. If it was urgent they would call you not write a letter.

03-12-09, 15:21
I just rang the surgery for my results and to book my appointment. The receptionist said my results only came in today and the Doctor hasn't read them yet! That must be the standard letter they send to everyone whether their results are in or not. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Doctor doesn't call today. The receptionist told me to ring back in the morning for my results.

Oh, to add a little bit of background (too panicky to lastnight) - I have had FBC, HLA-B27, C liver protein and a few other blood tests done to look for evidence of an auto-immune condition which is related to Rhumatoid Arthritis. The thing is I'm not worried about them finding that, I'm totally fixated on my white count instead.

03-12-09, 15:30
I have RA and have monthly bloods done. Even when they ring because something is slightly up or down, its never serious, the only time i panicked is when the rheumatologist rang, but again this was only to say have an extra blood test! They would have rang you well before now im sure.

03-12-09, 15:34
Thanks Mel :) My tests are for Ankylosing Spondilitis which is quite closely related to RA I think. I'll be so pleased when this is all over and I can get on with things!

04-12-09, 10:43
Hi guys. Just wanted to update. I have rung the surgery this morning for my test results. The receptionist told me my tests were all normal apart from my cholesterol is a bit high. SO relieved my blood count came back normal!!!!! Can't believe there was no aememia or neutropenia...or any other low blood cell count! I've got to see the doc on Monday to discuss the cholesterol but I'm not overly worried. nomorepanic and melb - thank you very much for your kind words and support :)

Moonlight Xx